Year of Dragon Horoscopes

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(1912, 1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008 and 2020)

Welcome to the Year of the Dragon, the year that whether you realise it or not you have been waiting for and there is a chance to really get excited about. There are two reasons why, for the Rat, the Year of the Dragon is such an important and exciting year. The first is that as the Rat and Dragon are part of the same triad of affinity, they are the best of friends and life will always run more smoothly under its influence. The other reason is that in between the Year of the Rabbit, which for the last 13 months has put the focus on home and family and the busy, industrious and work focused Year of the Snake, which begins next January, the Year of the Dragon has a more playful influence.

For the Rat, the Dragon will put the focus on matters of the heart and all things fun, playful, romantic and creative, making life both easier and a lot more fun. The Dragon is bold and daring and can give you the confidence to follow your heart, the things you love or your creative passions. The Dragon’s influence will be felt in all areas of your life and even at work there will be a pull towards doing a job that you love or injecting more fun and creativity into the job you do. The same will be the case for your love life, your relationships and everything you do. The way to access the Dragon’s influence will be through following your heart.

You will get to experience the full force of this during the month of the Dragon, which will not only run from 9th April to 8th May, but fittingly for its flamboyant influence, it kicks off with a total solar eclipse. This will be followed by the busy, industrious and work focused month of the Snake, which could be a busy month but also a month that will be touched by the Dragon’s influence. The same will be the case for the competitive and professionally charged month of the Rooster, which will run from 3rd September to 3rd October. However, it is the adventurous month of the Monkey that will offer a chance to fully embrace the playful, creative and adventurous side of life’s fence from 4th August to 3rd September.
Rat Profile: click here - Weekly Chinese Horoscopes click here

(1913, 1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009 and 2021)

If there is one thing that the Ox likes it is stability and feeling grounded and the Year of the Dragon is anything but. Yet rather than disrupt the status quo, this is going to be a year where you will find that you are even more determined to hold onto the things that help you to feel grounded while exploiting the Dragon’s bold and enthusiastic way of approaching things. Helping to keep things grounded is that for the Ox, the Year of the Dragon puts the focus on things close to home, with a chance to double down on your efforts to make home, family and/or property matters a priority. However, you won’t find the Dragon with its feet up by the fire watching Netflix. Instead, he will be giving you the drive to make things happen and get things done.

A combination of the Ox’s need to feel grounded and to put down roots and the Dragon’s drive to make things happen could make this a year for making renovations, putting on an extra room to the house, buying a home or moving, something new or just getting stuck into that decluttering that you have been putting off for years. Anything that involves taking action and feeling grounded will be favoured in this bold and colourful year. The Ox and the Dragon are odd bedfellows, one happy to plod up and down the same field all day and the other needing to be free to fly through the sky, but with a chance for each to borrow something from the other.

You will get a full feel for the Dragon’s influence during the month of the Dragon, which will run from 9th April to 8th May. While every new lunar month begins on a New Moon, as the month of the Dragon will begin on a total solar eclipse, this indicates a time for major new beginnings, from the start of the month of the Dragon on 10th February, with two months first to explore your options and do your homework. Meanwhile, for you personally, as is always the case the best months of any year will be the month of the Snake, which this year runs from 8th May to 7th June and the month of the Rooster, which will run from 3rd September to 3rd October.
Ox Profile: click here - Weekly Chinese Horoscopes: click here

(1914, 1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010 and 2022)

Regardless of what lunar year you are moving into, the first month of any year is always the month of the Tiger, with a chance first for a personal check in. This brings you to the start of a new personal 12 month lunar cycle, something that will always coincide with the start of a new lunar year. No one other than those born during the Year of the Tiger will ever get to experience the chance that the Chinese New Year will always bring for a personal reset. The month of the Tiger will run from 10th February to 10th March, giving you time to get your bearings and also get a feel for the Year of the Dragon and its influence. Not all years are created equal, but this year is one of the best but also the most unique in a 12 year lunar cycle.

Most years have a specific area of influence, as was the case with the lucrative Year of the Rabbit, which until it ends on 10th February has put the focus on enriching all the currencies in your life. When the Year of the Dragon ends on 29th January 2025 the Year of the Snake will begin and for the next 12 months this will put the focus on home, family and/or property matters. What sets the Year of the Dragon apart is that its influence is a lot broader and it can have a positive impact on almost every aspect of your life. For the Tiger, the Dragon is the Swizz army knife of any lunar cycle, with a tool for every occasion.

The Dragon makes you smarter, allows you to become more mentally focused, better able to think on your feet, express yourself and think creatively. The Dragon also puts a lot of focus on communication, making this a Year that is going to have a positive impact and give every area and aspect of your life something to draw on. During the lucrative month of the Rabbit, from 10th March to 9th April you are likely to develop a smart head for money, during the month of the Snake which will run from 8th May to 7th June you will be able to make smart choices, decisions and plans on the home front and so on. On the relationship front, the Dragon can keep the communication lines open, while professionally you will find it easier to work smarter.
Tiger Profile: click here - Weekly Chinese Horoscopes: click here

(1915, 1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011 and 2023)

When the Year of the Rabbit ends on 10th February, so too does the foundation year of a new personal 12 year lunar cycle, but not the journey itself. With this new 12 year cycle still having another 11 years to run, this was just stage one and the part of the journey when it was about setting your intentions for the coming year, but when more importantly, it was about reconnecting with your personal truth. This is what will continue to act as your GPS through the journey ahead, knowing that no intentions and resolutions you might make now can remain rigid. Life will continue to evolve and over the next 11 years you will have to change and adapt those intentions, which staying connected to your personal truth will do automatically.

It is said that on a long haul plane flight, that due to the weather and atmospheric conditions, a plane is off course 90 percent of the time, but it is its built in navigational system that is constantly making the course corrections that keep it on course and able to arrive at the right destination. Your personal truth and the one that the Year of the Rabbit has helped to fine tune, is your inbuilt navigational system. This will keep you on course as you move into the lucrative Year of the Dragon. While this has the potential the be a lucrative year and more so than any other year in a 12 year lunar cycle, it is not just about the money.

The Dragon will work to enrich all the currencies in your life and he will do that by virtue of the fact that a rising tide will float all boats and not just selective ones. The Dragon works by boosting your confidence, a belief in yourself and in what you deserve. As you can’t attract what you don’t believe you deserve, it is by boosting your confidence and a belief in yourself that you will attract more. The Dragon will also give you the confidence to take more risks for while you are likely to get back more than you invest into the things that you want, more of nothing is still nothing. You can’t sit back during the Year of the Dragon and wait for life’s riches to flow in, with a need to be an active participant. You will get a better feel for this during the month of the Dragon from 9th April to 8th May, but first the month of the Rabbit, from 10th March to 9th April, will give you a chance to tie up loose ends from last year.
Rabbit Profile: click here - Weekly Chinese Horoscopes: click here

(1916, 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012 and 2024)

Welcome to the Year of the Dragon, the year that you have been waiting for and not just because this is when you get to embrace who you really are. As well as a chance to return to your native energy, this brings you to the start of a new personal 12 year lunar cycle, with an opportunity for major new beginnings and a fresh start. This is a chance to shake off the lethargy of the nostalgic and reflective Year of the Rabbit and its focus on completion, closure and also its slower pace. The Year of the Rabbit is not just the kind of tame and low key year that doesn’t suit the Dragon’s nature but in the final year of a 12 year lunar cycle it has been about looking back, reflecting on the journey of the last 12 years and was a time of closure.

The Year of the Rabbit that has just come to an end was a particularly long year, with 13 New Moons meaning that this was a leap year, with 13 rather than the usual 12 lunar months. This dragged things out and made this a longer experience than is normally the case. You are more than ready to shake off some cobwebs and moving into the Year of the Dragon on 10th February, will be a chance to do just that. This is also something that doesn’t need to be rushed, with the year not coming into its full influence until you reach the month of the Dragon, which will run from 9th April to 8th May. While every lunar month begins on a New Moon, in fitting with the Year of the Dragon and the chance this brings for major new beginnings, it will begin on a total solar eclipse.

From the Chinese New Year on 10th February, this gives you two months to explore your options and test the waters, for when the month of the Dragon and Year of the Dragon come together, this is when you need to be ready to fully embrace the journey ahead. Other good months this year will be the playful and creative month of the Monkey from 4th August to 3rd September and the adventurous month of the Rat, from 1st December to 31st December. The Dragon, Rat and Monkey are all part of the same triad of affinity, with everything likely to flow more smoothly during these years. Meanwhile, the best months professionally will be during the busy, industrious and work focused month of the Rooster from 3rd September to 3rd October and the competitive and professionally charged month of the Ox from 31st December 2024 to 29th December 2025.
Dragon Profile: click here - Weekly Chinese Horoscopes: click here

(1917, 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013 and 2025)

The Chinese New Year will always usher in a new lunar year and with it a shift in focus, but for you, this also brings you to an important point in your current personal 12 year lunar cycle. While the Dragon is a bold, daring and confident year, for you a lot of its focus will be felt internally, taking your attention inward in a way that is likely to inspire your imagination, but in a way that is also likely to evoke a sense of nostalgia. By moving into the Year of the Dragon on 10th February, you are also moving into the final year of your current personal 12 year lunar cycle. This is when the journey towards closing old doors, reflecting on the journey that the last 11 years have taken you on and also on completing the intentions made during the last Year of the Snake begins.

Yet while this is a year for closing old doors it is also a year for preparing for the new doors that will open when the next Year of the Snake begins on 29th January 2025. For you, the Year of the Dragon will always be a transition year, with one cycle coming to an end but with a new cycle being born, even if only in your own mind. This is the Year of the Wood Dragon, a Dragon year that is likely to evoke a greater sense of curiosity, with a chance to let your mind, imagination, thoughts and ideas take you on all sorts of journeys. These are likely to be journeys taken in the mind, but they are helping to pave the way and plant seeds for the future.

While the Dragon will influence the year itself, life will continue to go on and the monthly cycles will add variety and add a different focus to different times of the year. Apart from a chance for a personal check in and to begin a new personal 12 month lunar cycle during the month of the Snake from 8th May to 7th June, some of the best months of the year for you will be during the month of the Rooster, from 3rd September to 1st September and the month of the Ox, from 31st December 2024 to 29th January 2025. The Ox, Snake and Rooster are all part of the same triad of affinity, making these months when life is likely to flow more smoothly.
Snake Profile: click here - Weekly Chinese Horoscopes: click here

(1918, 1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014 and 2026)

When the competitive and professionally charged Year of the Rabbit ends on 10th February, its influence will no longer be driving things, but its legacy is likely to live on. This is something that has allowed you to move into 2024 with a sense of purpose, getting the new professional year off to a good start as well as a chance to set the kind of personal and professional goals and ambitions that you can continue to pursue. The start of a new lunar year doesn’t wipe the slate clean but adds another layer and year after year, this is what enriches our life and why we become wiser with age. This will give you a good foundation to start from when the Chinese New Year ushers in the more social and serendipitous Year of the Dragon.


For the Horse, the Dragon will always put the focus on your social life, friendships and on both personal and professional networking and always in the bold way that it works. This is a year when you are more likely to put yourself out there, with the Dragon giving you the confidence to come out of your shell as well as a drive to connect with as many people as possible. This makes this a good year for anything done as part of a team or in collaboration with others. This will be especially so during the month of the Dragon, which will run from 9th April to 8th May, but also during the month of the Monkey from 4th August to 3rd August and during the month of the Rat from 1st December to 31st December.

The Dragon might reign over the coming year, but it is the lunar months that add to the ever changing landscape. For the Horse, the best month for matters of the heart and all things fun, playful, romantic and creative will be the month of the Dog, which runs from 3rd October to 2nd November. Professionally, the best months of the year will be the competitive and professionally charged month of the Rabbit, which runs from 10th March to 9th April and the busy, industrious and work focused month of the Pig, which this year will run from 2nd November to 1st December.
Horse Profile: click here - Weekly Chinese Horoscopes: click here

(1919, 1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015 and 2027)

The contrast between the adventurous Year of the Rabbit, which ends on 10th February and the competitive and professionally charged Year of the Dragon, which begins on the same day is an extreme one and in more ways than one. This is not just a shift in focus from the Rabbit’s focus on adventure, travel, learning and discovery, but from its easier ways. While it might not have felt like life was particularly easy during the 13 lunar months of the Year of the Rabbit, it could have been more challenging had it not been acting as a shield. The Goat and the Rabbit are part of the same triad of affinity, so it was there to shield you and to make life as easy as possible.

As you move into the Year of the Dragon that shield is taken away, but at a time when you are ready to take off the cotton wool and experience life in all its dramas and extremes. At the time it was nice to feel the Rabbit’s ring of protection, but you no longer need or want to be mollycoddled and are ready to take some risks. For the Goat, the Year of the Dragon is not a challenging year, but with one happy to stay in its own paddock and the other needing the freedom to race through the skies, this is a very different energy to your own. The Goat doesn’t like to take risks and thrives on routine, while the Dragon is a risk taker who likes to be spontaneous.

This makes this a year when there is a chance to move out of your comfort zone and as its competitive spirit takes hold, go after your personal and professional goals and ambitions. It is during the month of the Dragon, which will run from 9th April to 8th May, that you will get a feel for the full influence of the Year of the Dragon and as it begins on a total solar eclipse, this could start with a bang. Until then, from 10th March to 9th April, the month of the Rabbit will bring you a chance to capture some of the influence from the Year of the Rabbit, meaning that you don’t have to say goodbye to its influence just yet. Another important month for you will be the month of the Goat, which from 6th July to 4th August will be a chance for a personal check in.
Goat Profile: click here - Weekly Chinese Horoscopes: click here

(1920, 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016 and 2028)

For the Monkey, this is the year that you have been waiting for, with life now able to be viewed in technicolour rather than in black and white. For you, the lights will come on the moment the Year of the Dragon begins on 10th February and they will stay on until it ends on 29th January 2025. What makes the Year of the Dragon such a special year for you is not just that this puts the focus on the more adventurous side of life’s fence, where the focus is on adventure, travel, learning and discovery. This is partly because the Dragon gives you the confidence to embrace life, making it hard to watch from the sidelines, but this is also a year for exploring the things that you are passionate about and for experiencing life firsthand.

What also makes this such a good year for you is that the Monkey and Dragon are part of the same triad of affinity, with a similar DNA. As the Monkey and Dragon are the best of friends, life will flow more smoothly and this will genuinely be a lucky year and especially when you put in the effort instead of waiting for things to happen. This means that the month of the Dragon, which will run from 9th April to 8th May and the month of the Monkey, which this year will run from 4th August to 3rd October will be especially good months. As will be the playful and creative month of the Rat, also part of your triad of affinity, which will run from 1st December to 31st December.

Throughout the Year of the Dragon, its bold and daring influence can be felt, but this will also have an influence on the different lunar months. For example, in months like the competitive and professionally charged month of the Snake, from 8th May to 7th June, you might be more focused on your professional life, but the Dragon’s influence could see you looking further afield or ready to embark on a new professional adventure. In all aspects of your life, this will make it harder to stay in a rut or to get stuck in the weeds, with the Dragon helping you to focus on the big picture and on new and different ways of doing things. Meanwhile, a month like the month of the Goat, from 6th July to 4th August could see the Dragon’s influence call for change in many aspects of your life.
Monkey Profile: click here - Weekly Chinese Horoscopes: click here

(1921, 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005 and 2017)

The Chinese New Year will do more than just bring the Year of the Rabbit to an end while kicking off the Year of the Dragon, two very different years but also for you, a major shift in focus that will help make sense of the year that has been. This is a shift that could be felt from day one, with a sense that you can exhale now that one of the toughest years of any 12 year lunar cycle is now behind you. The Rooster and the Rabbit are opposing signs, with energies that just don’t gel and when it can feel like you are constantly pushing against the current and going nowhere. It isn’t that the Rabbit was blocking you and more that it was forcing you to face whatever life brought your way.

However, as you move into the Year of the Dragon, a year that is all about change and transformation, you will start to appreciate what an empowering year the Year of the Rabbit actually was. The Year of the Rabbit brought you to the halfway point in your current personal 12 year lunar cycle and it was purposely confrontational because it was charged with bringing those wakeup calls that ensured you were not asleep at the wheel. The challenges you may have faced over the last 12 months are now new starting points, as the Dragon brings a chance for a reset. Now fully awake and with the Dragon’s bold and confident influence, you can start making the changes that the Rabbit has woken you up to and that can help you to take your power back.

Whether it is taking your personal power back, your financial power, in your relationships, at work or in any other aspect of your life, this is the year to do it and you would never have been ready for the chance that the Dragon brings had it not been for the Rabbit. This also means that over the coming year, the world is your oyster. If you want to make changes on the financial front, then the month of the Dragon from 9th April to 8th May is the month to do it, while changing up your routine and expanding the boundaries of your life will be best done during the adventurous month of the Snake, from 8th May to 7th June. First up will be the busy, industrious and work focused month of the Tiger, from 10th February to 10th March.
Rooster Profile: click here - Weekly Chinese Horoscopes: click here

(1922, 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006 and 2018)

For the Dog, the Year of the Dragon is a year that comes with a warning label but is also important to see just what an empowering year this can be. The warning label reads that this is a year when things might not always go your way or when there could be times when it feels like you are swimming against the current, with life feeling harder than it should be. This is because instead of being able to ignore or sidestep things, the Dragon will insist that you confront them. This could make it feel like you and the Dragon are constantly butting heads and in a way you are. That is because the Dragon and the Dog are opposing signs and sitting opposite each other on the Chinese Zodiac wheel, you won’t always see eye to eye.

Yet underneath this, something magical is happening that is making this one of the most empowering years in a personal 12 year lunar cycle and a year that you will ultimately benefit from over the coming years. The Dragon’s role is not to make life easier for you and instead, at the halfway point in your current 12 year cycle this is a chance for a major reset, as you reassess the journey so far and it is by not fixing or making things easy for you, that this will make what is and isn’t working for you much clearer. This is going to reveal where things are out of balance or where you have veered off course, while its bold and confident influence is perfect for getting things back on track.

Helping to ease the way into the Year of the Dragon is that as will be the case with each new lunar year, it is the playful and creative month of the Tiger that will kick things off from 10th February to 10th March. The Dog and the Tiger are part of the same triad of affinity, so it will be working to smooth the way and to make life as easy as possible. The Dragon’s influence will still be there, but there will be a chance to transition into its influence. This will be followed by the busy, industrious and work focused month of the Rabbit, which from 10th March to 9th April will bring a chance to exploit the influence of the Year of the Rabbit, which by then will have just run its course a month earlier.
Dog Profile: click here - Weekly Chinese Horoscopes: click here

(1923, 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007 and 2019)

On 10th February the playful and creative Year of the Rabbit will end and the busy, industrious and work focused month of the Dragon will begin, something that for you, will create a significant shift. Not only has the Year of the Rabbit put the focus on matters of the heart and all things fun, playful, romantic and creative, as the Pig and the Rabbit are part of the same triad of affinity, this was one of the easiest years in a 12 year lunar cycle. While the Year of the Dragon is unlikely to be a challenging year, it will definitely be a busier year than last year. However, this is something that you are ready to embrace, while there will be some wriggle room when it comes to a transition.

In terms of how busy the Dragon’s influence could see things become, this won’t happen until we reach the month of the Dragon, which begins on a total solar eclipse on 9th April and will run through until 8th May. This is when there will be wall to wall Dragon influence, creating a real drive to make things happen and get things done. This is going to be a good month for work and job matters and a chance for the Year of the Dragon to build up some considerable speed and steam. However, the Dragon’s influence won’t just be felt on the job front, but with anything that keeps you busy or occupies your time. The Dragon doesn’t wait for things to happen, he gets in first and makes them happen.

Until then, the month of the Tiger from 10th February to 10th March will put the focus on home and family matters, while the month of the Rabbit, from 10th March to 9th April will be a chance to capture the playful and creative influence of the Year of the Rabbit before it fades. This is also a chance to spend the first two months of the Year of the Dragon getting the right work/life balance and the right balance between work and play, knowing that after that things are likely to not only become a lot busier but stay that way. Meanwhile, helping to get the most out of the opportunities that the Dragon will bring on the job front, will be the competitive and professionally charged month of the Monkey, which will run from 4th August to 3rd September.
Pig Profile: click here - Weekly Chinese Horoscopes: click here

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