Year of Rabbit Horoscopes

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(1912, 1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996 and 2008)

For the Rat, the Year of the Tiger has been a year that has benefited almost every aspect of your life. The Rat is always thinking on its feet and always one step ahead of the game, but the Tiger gave you an additional edge, making you smarter and more articulate. While the month of the Tiger, which will run from 21st January to 20th February is the Swizz army knife of any lunar year, with a tool for every occasion, you have been under this influence since last February. While the Year of the Tiger will end on 21st January and the month of the Tiger on 20th February, you will continue to benefit from this smart and articulate influence.

This is something that you will take with you when you move into the Year of the Rabbit on 21st January, something that will shift the focus onto your home, family and/or property matters. The Year of the Rabbit will run from 21st January 2023 to 9th February 2024, making this a particularly long lunar year. So much so that there will be 13 lunar months instead of the normal 12, meaning that there will be a leap month this year. That leap month will fortuitously be the month of the Rabbit. The first month of the Rabbit will run from 20th February to 21st March, followed by a second from 21st March to 19th May.

In the early months of the Year of the Rabbit, this will be a chance to invest as much as possible into things close to home. The Rabbit doesn’t just put the focus on home and family matters but brings an opportunity for growth, prosperity, happiness and peace of mind. This is not just an important year for home and family matters, but it is likely to be a good year in general, with a chance to feel more relaxed and settled. The Rabbit’s influence will underpin the rest of the year, but with a lot of focus during these early months. Meanwhile, the most important months of this professional year will be the months of the Snake and Rooster. The month of the Snake will give work and job matters a boost from 19th May to 18th June and the month of the Rooster will give career and professional matters a boost from 15th September to 14th October.
Rat Profile: click here - Weekly Chinese Horoscopes click here

(1913, 1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997 and 2009)

During the final weeks of the month of the lucrative Year of the Tiger, there was a lot of focus on your earnings, but it was not just about the money. The Year of the Tiger will always follow on from the Year of the Ox, which is the foundation year for a new personal 12 year lunar cycle. Once you have set your intentions and resolutions for the future, the Tiger gave you the confidence to take steps to turn that into reality. As you can’t attract what you don’t believe you deserve, it was that boost in confidence and belief in yourself that allowed you to attract more, across all the currencies in your life. What made the final weeks of the Year of the Tiger some of the most empowered is that it is running in conjunction with the month of the Ox.

While the Year of the Ox ended last February, the month of the Ox was a chance to revisit those intentions and resolutions, with a chance to push reset just as the Tiger is giving you the confidence to walk the talk. It is on 21st January that both the month of the Ox and the Year of the Tiger will end, though the month of the Tiger will run from 21st January to 20th February, keeping the momentum going. Meanwhile, the same New Moon that will bring the Year of the Tiger to a close on 21st January will also usher in the Year of the Rabbit, the year that for the Ox is the Swizz army knife of any 12 year lunar cycle, with a tool for every occasion. 

The Rabbit makes you smarter, more intuitive and more articulate, something that will benefit almost every aspect of your life. This will get a boost from the month of the Rabbit from 20th February to 21st March and then when it repeats as a leap month from 21st March to 20th April. By this point, the Rabbit will be an all present, familiar but subtle force. However, he will show up with its on communication during the month of the Goat and its focus on your relationships from 17th July to 16th August and as a smart head for money during the month of the Monkey from 16th August to 15th August. The Rabbit will also show up professionally during the competitive and professionally charged month of the Horse, from 18th June to 17th July and during the busy, industrious and work focused month of the Dog, from 14th October to 13th November.
Ox Profile: click here - Weekly Chinese Horoscopes: click here

(1914, 1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998 and 2010)

The final weeks of any lunar year are always an important chance for completion, closure, to bring things home and to embrace its influence before it is gone, but even more so when it is the Year of the Tiger coming to a close on 21st January. This has been more than just a chance to revisit your native energy, but as you began a new personal 12 year lunar cycle this has been a chance for a major reset and new beginnings. What you have done is lay down the foundations for the next 12 years while aligning yourself with your personal truth. You are unique in that you have an advantage that no other sign has, in that when it is over it is not really over or at least not yet.

Because each new lunar year always begins with the month of the Tiger, when the Year of the Tiger ends on 21st January, the month of the Tiger will begin. The month of the Tiger brings you to the start of a new personal 12 month lunar cycle, something that can piggyback off what has been invested during the Year of the Tiger while keeping you connected. For the first four weeks of the lucrative Year of the Rabbit, which will run from 21st January 2023 to 9th February 2024, they will run side by side, in a way that will be an advantage for both. For the Tiger, the Year of the Rabbit can be a lucrative year, but it is not just about the money.

The Rabbit’s mission is to boost your confidence and a belief in not just yourself but in the intentions and resolutions you have set during the Year of the Tiger. As you can’t attract what you don’t believe you deserve, as your confidence increases you are going to attract more across all the currencies in your life. However, the Year of the Rabbit can be a lucrative year, with luck on your side when it comes to attracting more money. This will be especially so during the month of the Rabbit from 20th February to 21st March and when it repeats as a leap month from 21st March to 20th April. Other lucrative months could be the busy, industrious and work focused month of the Goat from 17th July to 16th August and the competitive and professionally charged month of the Pig, from 13th November to 12th December.
Tiger Profile: click here - Weekly Chinese Horoscopes: click here

(1915, 1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999 and 2011)

2023 is a year for major new beginnings for you, but with the lines between the past, present and future blurring in the early weeks of the year. There will be a gradual shift away from the past and onto the future but to begin with, old doors might remain open for a few more weeks. The nostalgic and reflective Year of the Tiger brought you to the end of a 12 year journey, one that began with the last Year of the Rabbit in 2011. This was when a new personal 12 year lunar cycle last began, one that was in its final weeks when you moved into 2023. This created a lot of focus on the past and on closure as we moved into the New Year.

The lines between the past, present and future really start to blur on 21st January when the Year of the Tiger ends and the Year of the Rabbit and a new personal 12 year lunar cycle begins. In every other year in a 12 year lunar cycle, when one lunar year ends and another begins there is a sudden cut off and it is a clear out with the old in and in with the new. However, the transition from the Year of the Tiger to the Year of the Rabbit is the one exception and that is because every new lunar year begins with the month of the Tiger. The Year of the Tiger might end, but from 21st January to 20th February you will be winding down your current personal 12 month lunar cycle, while a new 12 year lunar cycle is underway.

This is a chance to ease into this new journey but also make up for this during not one but two Rabbit months this year. The first is from 20th February to 21st March, with a leap month bringing a second month of the Rabbit from 21st March to 20th April. This is when you can fully embrace the future and what is a year for major new beginnings and in what should be a lucky and expansive year for you. The Year of the Rabbit will run through to 9th February 2024, with plenty of time to explore your options. Other auspicious points of the year will be during the month of the Goat from 17th July to 16th August and the month of the Pig, from 13th November to 12th December, both friendly allies to the Rabbit.
Rabbit Profile: click here - Weekly Chinese Horoscopes: click here

(1916, 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000 and 2012)

2023 got off to a busy and vibrant start, with a rush to pack as much into the final weeks of the social and serendipitous Year of the Tiger as possible. For the Dragon, the Year of the Tiger has been about making connections, with the focus on your social life, friendships, teamwork and networking. It is not just the Year of the Tiger that will end on 21st January but the competitive and professionally charged month of the Ox, something that got the year off to a busy start. Chances are, 2022 has been a busy and for some a stressful year and by the time we moved into 2023, there were bound to be plenty of Dragons running on empty.

If you are wondering if 2023 is going to be more of the same, the short answer is no. For a Dragon, who likes to be on the go and prefers excitement and action over doing nothing, the quieter and more relaxed realms of the Rabbit might not sound like fun, but it is just what the doctor has ordered. It is on 21st January that the Year of the Rabbit begins, not only bringing its more relaxed, calm and peaceful vibe to the world but in the process bringing you to the final year in your current personal 12 year lunar cycle. On 9th February 2024, the Year of the Dragon will begin and with it a brand new cycle, but with doors to close and a lot to complete before then.

This won’t be immediately apparent, with the month of the Tiger running from 21st January to 20th February, with a chance to squeeze as much as you can from the Year of the Tiger before fully committing to the Year of the Rabbit, a particularly long year, running through to 9th February 2024. With 13 lunar months, we have a leap month this year and it will be the month of the Rabbit, which will run from 20th February to 20th March and then repeat from 21st March to 20th April. These are likely to be the most restful and stress reducing months of the year. While the nostalgic and reflective Year of the Rabbit will continue, the month of the Dragon, which will run from 20th April to 19th May, will get the adrenaline pumping again.
Dragon Profile: click here - Weekly Chinese Horoscopes: click here

(1917, 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001 and 2013)

For the Snake, moving into 2023 you had the best of both worlds. At the same time that the final weeks of the competitive and professionally charged Year of the Tiger got this new professional year off to a good start and this is one year when sticking to your New Year’s resolutions shouldn’t be a problem, the year also began under the influence of the adventurous month of the Ox. With the month of the Ox and the Year of the Tiger both ending on 21st January, there was time to accommodate both. However, with the next month of the Ox not starting until January 2024, its adventurous influence is something that you might want to hold onto.

Especially as while the Year of the Tiger will end on 21st January, as is the case with every new lunar year it will begin with the month of the Tiger. This will keep the Tiger’s competitive and professionally charged influence going through to 20th February, though in a scaled down way that allows you to transition out of what has been a busy year. While the month of the Tiger will be working to keep the influence from the Year of the Tiger alive, the social and serendipitous Year of the Rabbit will be in charge from 21st January. For the Snake, this is a vibrant year that is all about connecting. After the competitive and goal focused Year of the Tiger, this is a chance to make more time for your human connections.

The Year of the Rabbit, running through to 9th February 2024 has 13 lunar months, which means we will have a leap month, with two back to back months of the Rabbit. The first will run from 20th February to 21st March and then repeating again from 21st March to 20th April. This will be a chance to fully embrace and get familiar with the Rabbit’s more relaxed and socially inclined influence. Meanwhile, one of the most important months of any lunar year for you will be the month of the Snake, which will run from 19th May to 18th June. As always, this is a valuable chance to check in and push the reset button.
Snake Profile: click here - Weekly Chinese Horoscopes: click here

(1918, 1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002 and 2014)

While the adventurous Year of the Tiger will end on 21st January, with the month of the Tiger running from 21st January to 20th February there will be no sudden drop off. This is the only time in a 12 year lunar cycle that this is possible, with each new lunar year always starting with the month of the Tiger. In every other year in a 12 year cycle there is a sudden end, whereas here there is a chance to transition out of the Tiger’s influence and this couldn’t be more important. For it is on 21st January that the competitive and professionally charged Year of the Rabbit will begin, something that will take us through to 9th February 2024.

The Year of the Rabbit, running from 21st January 2023 to 9th February 2024 is particularly long, so much so that there are 13 lunar months instead of the normal 12 months, which means that there will be a leap month this year, with one lunar month being repeated. As luck should have it, the month being repeated is the month of the Rabbit, with a chance to more fully embrace its influence. The first month of the Rabbit will run from 20th February to 21st March. This comes just as the month of the Tiger runs its course and after four weeks of its adventurous influence, this is when it will become more about embracing the Rabbit’s competitive and professionally charged influence.

The second month of the Rabbit will begin immediately after the first finishes and will run from 21st March to 20th April. This creates a new lunar year where you have four weeks to transition in, with the Tiger’s adventurous influence still there and then the period from 20th February to 20th April where there is a chance to get stuck in. After that, it will become more about the journey. However, the month of the Goat, running from 17th July to 16th August could be especially lucrative this year. Meanwhile, as always the month of the Horse, which runs from 18th June to 17th July will be an important chance to check in.
Horse Profile: click here - Weekly Chinese Horoscopes: click here

(1919, 1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003 and 2015)

To begin with, the early weeks of 2023 wouldn’t have felt any different to 2022 and you might be feeling both weary and doubtful that it won’t be a case of more of the same this year. While it is always the case that the new lunar year won’t start until at least three weeks into the new calendar year and there will always be an overflow, this year the contrast between the two is not only stark but the year could get off to a challenging start. For the Goat, the month of the Ox can be the most challenging month of any lunar year. As your opposing sign, this can be a hard slog and underway until 21st January, you might have begun 2022 with a lot of responsibilities or demands.

At the same time, with the Year of the Tiger and its focus on money matters still underway, this could be another ball that you were juggling. However, 2023 is one year where you can’t judge a book by its cover, with everything changing on 21st January. In one fell swoop, the New Moon on 21st January will not only bring the month of the Ox to a close but the Year of the Tiger, instead ushering in the adventurous Year of the Rabbit. While the month of the Tiger will run from 21st January to 20th February, keeping the focus on your financial situation and money matters for another four weeks, this is a scaled down version of the Year of the Tiger and is more a chance to tie up loose ends.

You will feel the full force of the Year of the Rabbit when the month of the Rabbit begins on 20th February. Apart from putting the focus on the more adventurous side of life’s fence, the Rabbit and Goat are part of the same triad of affinity, with life flowing more easily under its influence. When the month and the Year of the Rabbit come together you will feel its full impact. While the month of the Rabbit will end on 21st March, we have a leap month this year, with a second month of the Rabbit running from 21st March to 20th April. By then the Rabbit’s influence will be engrained, with even the competitive and professionally charged month of the Dragon, from 20th April to 19th April having to work around this.
Goat Profile: click here - Weekly Chinese Horoscopes: click here

(1920, 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004 and 2016)

For the Monkey, the Year of the Tiger has been both challenging and empowering, as it is supposed to be. The Monkey and the Tiger are opposing signs, but halfway between the last Year of the Monkey and the next and of this current personal 12 year lunar cycle, its job has been to challenge you, because with this comes an opportunity for a reset and to take your personal power back. This also put the focus on your relationships and running its course on 21st January, the first three weeks of 2023 were still under its influence. This also made this a good year for setting New Year’s resolutions that are aligned with living your personal truth.

While the Year of the Tiger will run its course on 21st January, the month of the Tiger will run from 21st January to 20th February, with a chance to tie up loose ends while the Year of the Rabbit gets underway. Running from 21st January 2023 to 9th February 2024, for the Monkey, the Year of the Rabbit not only puts the focus on your financial situation and money matters but on personal change and transformation. The Tiger will always wake you up to your personal needs and truth, but it is the Rabbit who allows you to take the next step, that of making the changes this has woken you up to. This makes the Year of the Rabbit a year of change and transformation.

You will get a better feel for this during the month of the Rabbit, which runs from 20th February to 21st March and then again as a leap month, from 21st March to 20th April. One of the most important months of any lunar year will always be the month of the Monkey, which this year will run from 16th August to 15th September. This is an important point in any year for checking in with your personal truth and story, but especially in a year that is all about change and transformation.
Monkey Profile: click here - Weekly Chinese Horoscopes: click here

(1921, 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005 and 2017)

The busy and industrious Year of the Tiger will end on 21st January, getting the year off to a busy start. This was a year that demanded a lot from you and whether at work or with anything that keeps you busy or occupies your time, there has been little idle time over much of the last 12 months. For the diligent Rooster, this is something that you wouldn’t have shied away from, instead rolling up your sleeves and getting on with what had to be done, doing whatever it took for as long as it took. The Rooster doesn’t know when to stop and the Tiger wasn’t going to tell you when to stop. This means there could have been more than a few Roosters suffering from burnout as we moved into 2023.

However, help is not only at hand but the rewards for what has been invested will be far reaching and will continue long after the Year of the Tiger ends on 21st January. Yet life won’t suddenly become less busy, with the month of the Tiger running from 21st January to 20th February. However, this will scale down, giving you four weeks to transition out of this busy influence, which after 20th February will only show up during a Tiger Moon, which will come around every four weeks. Meanwhile, it is on 21st January that the Year of the Rabbit begins, something that will not only bring you to the halfway point in your current personal 12 month lunar cycle but will put a lot more focus on your relationships.

You will have a chance for a deeper dive into this during the month of the Rabbit from 20th February to 21st March and then again, with a leap month from 21st March to 20th April. If you are looking for a chance to recharge your batteries after a busy year, the adventurous month of the Dragon, from 20th April to 19th May, would be a good time to plan an escape or just a chance to embrace the more adventurous side of life. Meanwhile, one of the most important months of any year for you is the month of the Rooster, with a chance to check in from 15th September to 14th October.
Rooster Profile: click here - Weekly Chinese Horoscopes: click here

(1922, 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006 and 2018)

While there will be a stark contrast between the fun, playful, romantic and creative Year of the Tiger, which ends on 21st January and the busy and industrious Year of the Rabbit, which begins on the same day, there will be a chance for an easy transition. This is something that is only possible once every 12 years and only when we transition from the Year of the Tiger into the Year of the Rabbit and all because every new lunar year will always begin on the month of the Tiger. That means that while the playful and creative Year of the Tiger will end on 21st January, the month of the Tiger will keep its influence alive until 20th February.

That overlap, with the busy and industrious Year of the Rabbit underway from 21st January, is a chance to ensure life doesn’t suddenly become all work and no play.  That reprieve will end when the month of the Rabbit begins on 20th February, something that will bring a chance to more fully embrace the Rabbit’s busy and industrious influence. This is going to be a busy but also productive year, with the Rabbit a lucky influence that can foster both professional and financial success. The Rabbit will keep you busy but with plenty of rewards for what you put effort into, either on the job front or with whatever it is that keeps you busy and occupies or time.

The Year of the Rabbit will run from 21st January 2023 to 9th February 2024, which is a particularly long time. So long that there will be 13 lunar months, which means that we have a leap month this year. That leap month will be a second month of the Rabbit, which will run from 21st March to 20th April, immediately after the first. This will be more than enough to get the Year of the Rabbit off to the kind of start you can continue to benefit from. What will be especially important during this busy year will be not only the playful month of the Tiger at the start of the year but the adventurous month of the Horse, from 18th June to 17th July.
Dog Profile: click here - Weekly Chinese Horoscopes: click here

(1923, 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007 and 2019)

While to begin with, as you moved into 2023 there was no sign of what is to come, you are about to move into one of your best years in a decade. While the Year of the Rabbit begins on 21st January but won’t come into full effect until four weeks later, this is the year that you have been waiting for and the year that you need, whether you know it yet or not. Until then, you not only had the final weeks of the Year of the Tiger and its focus on home, family and/or property matters to navigate but of the month of the Ox and its focus on communication, which both run their course on 21st January. While the Year of the Tiger will end on 21st January, with the month of the Tiger running from 21st January to 20th February, there will be a chance to keep the focus on home and family matters going for a few more weeks and even tie up any loose ends.

At the same time, starting the year in the month of the Ox was a huge advantage. For the Pig, the month of the Ox is the Swizz army knife of any lunar year, with a tool for every occasion. The Ox gave you an intellectually savvy edge, which allows you to think on your feet but also makes you more articulate, something that got 2023 off to a good start. However, for you, the year really begins on 21st January, when a New Moon will kick off the fun, playful, romantic and creative Year of the Rabbit. It is not just that this will be a more fun, creative and relaxed year, but the Rabbit and Pig are part of the same triad of affinity.

Life will run more smoothly under the Rabbit’s influence, with a greater focus on matters of the heart or just on following your heart. This is also a good year for anything creative, with the Rabbit’s influence coming into full force during the month of the Rabbit from 21st February to 21st March, with a leap month bringing a second month of the Rabbit from 21st March to 20th April. The busy and industrious month of the Dragon from 20th April to 19th May and the competitive and professionally charged month of the Monkey from 16th August to 15th September will give this professional year what it needs, but it is the other side of life’s fence that will have your attention this year.
Pig Profile: click here - Weekly Chinese Horoscopes: click here


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