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(1912, 1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008 and 2020)
The Year of the Snake is not a spectacular year for the Rat but it is not a bad year either, especially if you’re able to curb your impulsiveness. The Rat can be impulsive while the Snake requires that you think things through carefully. This year there is a need to take your relationships more seriously, not taking things for granted, working to ensure that you don’t sweep things under the carpet or become complacent. The same will apply to financial matters, with a need for caution or at the very least a more thrifty approach to your finances, squirreling away something for a rainy day.
Yet both the Rat and Snake are observant, smart and wily and as long as you remain astute you can turn this into a good year. The Snake will look favourably on the Rat who is astute and is curbing his usual impulsiveness, rewarding you with opportunities you might normally miss. A thrifty approach to money in the first half of the year could see your financial fortunes improve in the second half. Approaching both your health and work habits consistently will be important all year, appreciating the need for balance.
This means looking after yourself, taking better care of your health and approaching your work responsibilities and matters with the right work ethic, but without overworking to a point that it affects your health. Communication is important in a Snake Year, with a need to work at ensuring the communication lines remain open, with a chance to tackle some deeper issues or topics. The Snake will also be encouraging the Rat to embrace a sense of adventure and to take the odd journey down a side street every now and then.
Rat Profile: click here - Weekly Chinese Horoscopes click here
(1913, 1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009 and 2021)
The Ox will do well in a Snake Year because the Ox and the Snake understand and respect each other. The Ox is a diligent worker, willing to take responsibility and put in the time and effort to do what is required. Elementally the Ox and Snake are part of the same triad of affinity, so have an underlying compatibility. In the Year of the Snake, the Ox will feel protected and you are likely to find support from friends, family and professionally. You are likely to find that just when you need it, a helping hand will be there to help you across any obstacles and even before it’s ever needed, there will be an underlying sense that you are being protected.
The Snake likes the Ox because he appreciates a kindred spirit and is ready to reward the Ox for hard work and effort. Traditionally a Snake Year will offer good fortune to the Ox, especially professionally, learning and romantically. Where the Year of the Dragon placed extra demands on the Ox and was a little too unsettling, the Year of the Snake brings an opportunity to have fun, dance, play and to let your hair down. After the dramatic highs and lows of the Dragon year, the Ox will be happy that things are settling down, in what will mostly be a calm and settled year.
The Snake is shrewd and savvy and for the Ox, this will be especially beneficial in the second half of the year, when your financial fortunes will improve. The Snake doesn’t like reckless spending and favours thriftiness, something that the Ox has already subscribed to. If there are challenges for the Ox it may be on the friendship front, with a need to be a little cautious of new people coming into your life until you know they can be trusted. It’s important to keep the communication lines open across all aspects of your life and especially on the relationship front. Hard work should bring an increase in income this year.
Ox Profile: click here - Weekly Chinese Horoscopes: click here
(1914, 1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010 and 2022)
The Tiger and Snake have more in common than it might appear at first glance. The Tiger is passionate about social causes, injustice and doesn’t believe in watching from the sidelines, needing to get involved and help, whether it’s a friend with a problem or something they see isn’t how it should be. A Tiger will step in and get involved where others stand back and when asked why, their reply is ‘someone had to do something’. The Snake approves of this, but where the Snake and Tiger differ is the way they approach things.
The Snake likes to take his time and will be creating a year where the wheels turn slowly, where there is a need to take time to discuss and talk through issues and come to a consensus before taking action. The Tiger on the other hand likes to react quickly, seeing something that requires action and jumping straight in. Therefore, the Year of the Snake is a year where you will need to be wary of jumping into situations and then finding out too late that you're in over your head, with a need for caution. You might find that this creates some frustration, for as a Tiger you like things at a fast pace and that won’t be happening in a Snake Year.
Yet by taking your time, exercising restraint and taking the time to listen to sage advice from mentors, those who are more experienced or wiser, you can learn a lot this year. You will find the Year of the Horse, which begins next year a lot more exciting, with the Year of the Snake giving you a chance to pull back. This is a year where home and family matters are important and also where a lot of professional progress can be made, especially if you seek out wise mentors and can focus more on learning your craft. A busy professional year brings a need to pace yourself, but one where with patience there can be financial gains.
Tiger Profile: click here - Weekly Chinese Horoscopes: click here
(1915, 1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011 and 2023)
Here you have a mutual admiration club. The Snake likes the whimsical Rabbit and the Rabbit likes the Snake and its gentle ways, creating a year that is much more to the Rabbit’s liking, with lots of smooth, quiet ambience and plenty of time for daydreaming. Both the Rabbit and the Snake like to escape from life’s realities, ponder the complexities of life, let new ideas form and to generally navel gaze. The Rabbit doesn’t like to approach life head on and the Snake doesn’t ask that you do. What the Rabbit sees in a Snake year is mystery and that is going to send your sense of curiosity skyrocketing.
All of a sudden, you're excited and your creative juices are flowing again, after what seems like a very long time. You've been buried under life’s demands and realities for a little too long and once again you have permission to become a dreamer, which is what you were born to do. As your imagination fires up and your confidence kicks in your ideas will start becoming more innovative, as a new creative cycle kicks in. This is going to keep you busy, not with life’s demands and responsibilities, but with the things that excite you and your imagination, whether it’s tinkering away in the workshop on your latest invention or exploring different trails that your imagination and a sense of curiosity leads you down.
This opens the door to a year where you're likely to meet lots of interesting people and broaden your social circle, though this may also challenge you to move out of your comfort zone. The Snake will keep you on your toes just enough to make sure you don’t escape too much from reality and that you don’t let things slide, with any small emergencies that crop up from time to time a reminder to keep your eyes on the ball. This is an important year for learning, sharing ideas and for all things creative.
Rabbit Profile: click here - Weekly Chinese Horoscopes: click here
(1916, 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012 and 2024)
In Chinese mythology, the Snake and Dragon are kin, with the Dragon having fallen from the sky where it became a Snake. For a Dragon, a Snake Year is considered your ‘happy star’ and this is when a lot of things start to come together, but also where you get to rein things in a little. In the Year of the Dragon, which has just ended, you needed to be seen, noticed and to have planted as many seeds as possible, approaching everything you did in a bold and flamboyant way. The Snake asks that you tone that down and start looking at what’s actually in it for you.
This is when you can start looking more objectively at what you’re putting your time and energy into and with fame and glory no longer bringing the thrill that it once did, this could mean a redefining of your priorities. The Dragon Year was full of bravado and bluster, where you had to convince yourself and those around you, either in your personal or professional life that anything was possible. The Snake asks that you ‘put up or shut up’ and as you’re called to start walking the talk and find out firsthand that not all things are as possible as you thought they were, there’s a need to return to the drawing board and maybe revise downwards some of your plans, goals and objectives.
To start with this may be seen as settling for less, but it is more that the Dragon’s bold claims were always on the exaggerated side and what you have this year is a chance to come back to reality and put in the behind the scenes work needed to make things happen. There is a definite ‘show me the money’ theme this year, as you look more carefully at the paybacks you’re getting. Where pride and attention were an important currency last year, they are no longer priorities, wanting to see something more concrete. You will need to take a more cautious and frugal approach to money this year, for the Snake doesn’t like financial recklessness. In all aspects of your life work to keep the communication lines open.
Dragon Profile: click here - Weekly Chinese Horoscopes: click here
(1917, 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013 and 2025)
You were born in the Year of the Snake so this year you return to your native energy, which means that you are a lot more aware than other Signs of the needs of this unique year. You know that not everything is what it seems and just because something appears one way on the surface is not necessarily the way it is, so where your natural default is to hold something back in reserve, keeping things close to your chest and to assume others are doing the same will become more pronounced, unwilling to reveal your hand until others have revealed theirs.
Yet it is because you know the nature of the beast that you should do well in your native year, especially as you know that life has ups and downs and this will always be the case, even in a Snake Year. This will cause you to stand back and spend more time preparing and therefore you will be in a much better position to ride out the highs and lows, hardly feeling the bumps. While you could be more suspicious of others, keeping your guard up a lot more than in other years, those that you do let into your inner circle will become a lot more important. This is an important year for building strong and authentic relationships and friendships, even though this means you won’t get away with sweeping things under the carpet.
By the time the year is over you will know who your real friends are and whether your relationships are the real deal or not. Above all this is a year where you’re able to re evaluate your life and your options, spending time pondering your future and what you want it to hold. It’s from within that a quiet sense of confidence will grow, with part of the reason you may become more aloof, being that there is no longer a need to seek approval or to feel that you have anything to prove to anyone other than yourself.
Snake Profile: click here - Weekly Chinese Horoscopes: click here
(1918, 1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014 and 2026)
The Horse should do well in a Snake Year and while it’s not a wildly fortunate year it is also not an unfortunate or bad year and is generally considered a good year. The Horse has a need for excitement, variety and like the horse itself, it likes to approach everything at speed. It is said that without a rider on its back the horse doesn’t know where to go and the Snake, the wisest of all the Signs has plenty of wisdom and guidance. However, the Snake has no legs so can’t climb on the Horse’s back, forcing the Horse to stop, slow down and bend its head in order to listen.
This makes communication an especially important theme this year, taking the time to seek advice, talk with friends or mentors and establish a good support system. When you start to lose direction and life becomes confusing, just remember that the Horse has to stop and bend down, in order to hear the words of advice from the wise Snake, whatever form he takes in your life. This may create some frustration, especially if you believe that you have all the answers and you are right. In your relationships in particular there is a need to approach your communications with extra care, willing to listen to both sides.
Because the Snake can only slither at a slow speed and the Horse likes to run, at times this could lead to some frustration and impatience. This comes with a warning to take care of your health, especially when it comes to stress. The Snake Year is asking that you slow down and chill out, listening to other’s points of view and seeking wise counsel. For an impatient Horse who doesn’t have time for that, you could go head to head with the forces in play, creating unnecessary stress and tension. You don’t want to tempt fate when it comes to your health, using this as a chance to get more rest, pace yourself and if you do feel a need for speed or to be doing something, channelling this into exercise, athletic or recreational pursuits will be just what the doctor ordered.
Horse Profile: click here - Weekly Chinese Horoscopes: click here
(1919, 1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015 and 2027)
The Goat and Snake aren’t exactly friends but they are definitely not enemies. The Goat, a grass munching vegetarian, sees the Snake slither through the grass with little interest and as both the Snake and Goat are fairly shy and are unlikely to bother the other, at the very least they would each walk away and therefore there is nothing confrontational about their coupling. In fact, after the drama filled Year of the Dragon the peace loving Goat will feel right at home in the quiet, calm of the Snake Year. The Snake doesn’t see the Goat as a threat and appreciates his empathetic nature. The Snake and Goat also share a love of life’s pleasures, so this should be a smooth and stable year for you, which after the turbulent Dragon Year is just what you need.
The Goat has a need to feel protected and the Snake loves to advise, so you should find that people come into your life that offer either practical or moral support, giving you the confidence to sense that you’re not in this alone and you don’t have to shoulder your own and everyone else’s responsibilities without someone looking after your interests. Goats can become a little bit too independent, especially when times are tough and you feel that the only one you can really rely on is you. This is likely to have been the case last year, but the Year of the Snake allows you to take your defences down, after being overwhelmed by the Dragon’s influence.
This is going to see your confidence rise and as a result, your social life should pick up and no longer feeling threatened you are likely to open up more and extend your social circle. Learning and travel are back on the agenda this year, with the Snake giving you a chance to dust off your bucket list and if you can combine this with networking, then all the better. While the Snake requires a frugal approach to money you should have that down pat by now, with pursuing your creative passions the route to financial gains this year. Your love life looks good this year, with a foreign or exotic influence thrown in for good measure.
Goat Profile: click here - Weekly Chinese Horoscopes: click here
(1920, 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016 and 2028)
While the Monkey swings from branch to branch he keeps a wary eye out for the Snake, who could lash out when least expected. So the Year of the Snake is not the best year for a Monkey, yet it’s that need to remain on your toes, keep a low profile and tone things down that could lead to this becoming a successful year, especially professionally. The Monkey loves the fanfare and the spectacle, but the Snake is a sober but wise energy, not that tolerant of grandstanding or monkey business. The Snake is not going to adjust to the Monkey’s ways so it’s up to you to adjust to the Snake’s ways, which means playing things more diligently and more responsibly.
This is not a good year for risk taking, speculating or attention grabbing, with a need to be wary of get rich quick schemes and snake oil salesmen. Your judgement isn’t likely to be the best because your normally astute read on people will be clouded. Yet it’s because you’re forced to tone things down, measure twice and cut once and not rush into situations or to accept people or situations at first glance, that you’re likely to fare better than had you not had these restrictions. It’s likely to end up being the case that the Snake ends up doing you a favour. If you work with the Snake, with your creativity and the Snake’s wisdom you could achieve some spectacular things.
While professionally you will need to have a Plan B up your sleeve and you will need to work smarter, it’s because of this that you’re likely to enjoy considerable professional success this year, but it won’t be handed to you and you’ll have to work for it. Some of your best relationship opportunities are likely to come through your professional associations. With relationships in general a bit of a roller coaster ride this year, your professional life is likely to become a welcome escape, with a need to be careful that you don’t use it to the extent that your outside relationships suffer. Yet time invested in your relationships will make them stronger and more authentic.
Monkey Profile: click here - Weekly Chinese Horoscopes: click here
(1921, 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005 and 2017)
Now we’re talking! This is the year that you have been waiting for, with the Snake and the Rooster sharing an especially good relationship, in what is considered to be a fortunate year for you. The Snake is a metal/male energy and the Rooster is a fire/female energy and this creates some real chemistry, with sparks flying. This creates an especially auspicious relationship year and where in the Year of the Dragon you got glimpses of what could be or you only just missed the bus, this year it won’t elude you. If single this will be an exciting year for love, romance and relationships and if already in a relationship, expect those relationships to improve.
Money is also looking good this year, with the odds of having money coming in favourable and there may even be the prospect of an inheritance or financial settlement going your way. However, the Snake is nothing but financially prudent, so any money that does come in will need to be managed carefully, or it could be a case of ‘easy come, easy go’. This would be a good time to seek out the advice of a financial expert or someone who can advise you, with the Snake presenting wise counsel. While it may seem superficial, the Snake will encourage the Rooster’s love of colour and finery, bringing a desire to ramp up the bling!
As a Rooster you carry a heavier load than other Signs, for you are usually the ‘go to person’ for friends and family and saying ‘no’ can be a problem. The Snake has come along to ask, ‘what about you’? It’s time to bring more fun, colour and spontaneity back into your life. Travel is on the agenda this year, though if you do travel to foreign places watch the food. There is the right mix of professional pressure and opportunity, with a chance that you’ll be working longer hours or cramming more into your day. A promotion or advancement could come through networking or being headhunted.
Rooster Profile: click here - Weekly Chinese Horoscopes: click here
(1922, 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006 and 2018)
One of the biggest challenges for a Dog is that they are so invested in being a loyal friend, an advocate for the underdog and caring for others that they forget about themselves and this can lead to feelings of being left out, that everything is all about everyone else and never about them. This year all that changes, for the moment the Dog sees the Snake, like any dog would, he barks and barks and barks, until either the Snake goes away or the Dog has lost interest. You’re that Dog and as life opens up keeping quiet will no longer be an option. You will want to be heard and you’ll no longer want to keep your light under a bushel.
Finally, you are about to receive the attention, recognition and rewards that you deserve and you’re finally going to be noticed. This is a year for keeping yourself busy and putting yourself out there. The Year of the Snake is typically a fortunate year for the Dog, especially on the professional, money and both romantic and relationship fronts. This doesn’t mean that you’ll get an easy ride and most of the success you’ll enjoy this year will come from yourself and a new willingness to be heard, seen and noticed. A natural sense of curiosity could entice you back into learning, studying or even to travel.
While for you, the Year of the Snake doesn’t usually bring financial fortune this is a Wood Snake Year and for a Dog, this means money. This could bring highs and lows, but with the Snake’s natural caution and wisdom, your financial situation will improve with good management. With a busy professional year make time to relax, rest, get in enough exercise and eat healthy in order to ward off stress related health problems. Where you’re usually too busy helping others, this is a year for looking after you.
Dog Profile: click here - Weekly Chinese Horoscopes: click here
(1923, 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007 and 2019)
There is something about the Snake that the Pig finds captivating, not sure whether to run away and hide or stay and try and figure out what’s going on. The Snake Year by its very nature is not going to give up its secrets too easily, with a lot of things not what they appear at first glance. While as a Pig you have a sixth sense and can usually get an intuitive read on most things, situations and people, this will be enhanced even more during the Year of the Snake, making you an especially good judge of others and a bit of a human lie detector, naturally sensing when others aren’t being authentic.
You’ll shy away from subterfuge, with little tolerance for people you don’t feel are being upfront or for game playing. If it feels like hard work, that you have to put all your emotional resources and energy into trying to figure something or someone out, eventually it won’t be worth the effort. This will see you gravitate to people, situations and relationships that aren’t hard work and where what you see is what you get. This could see some friendships and relationships drop away, with those that remain strengthening.
Both your personal and professional relationships will become more important during the Year of the Snake, but it is also likely to be a defining relationship year, where things could either go one way or the other and won’t remain sitting on the fence. The ‘travel star’ is also present this year, indicating a busy year on the work front and also that you could be travelling for work, working out of town or a lot happening on the work front, indicating a busy year. At work avoid petty office politics like the plague. You’ll be using a lot of brain power this year, which could zap your energy and impact your health if you don’t replace this with healthy nutrients and ways to relax your mind and unwind. Time management is essential, as is finding a balance between work and play.
Pig Profile: click here - Weekly Chinese Horoscopes: click here