2025 General Horoscopes

The main theme of 2025 is change and especially for those born under the sign of Aries, where the past will start making way for the future and major new beginnings, but with a period of transition. You have had Neptune, the planet of hopes and dreams in your sector of subconscious thinking, imagination and review for the last 12 years and while he has been inching closer to his first return to Aries in our lifetime, over recent years he has got tantalising close before turning back. Saturn is also here, bringing your current three decades long Saturn cycle to a close while also drawing closer to Aries by the day until he too would turn back. As you move into 2025 both are back in direct motion and starting to pick up speed and this time, they are going to finally make it over the line, with Neptune returning to Aries on 31st March and Saturn on 25th May.

With a rush of planets returning to Aries at around the same time but also first needing to go through this nostalgic and reflective part of your chart, the early months of the year are likely to see the lines between the past, present and future blur. That will continue to be the case even after you move into your birthday month and new solar year on 20th March, with a chance to finally clear the past and embrace the future and the big dreams that will now be possible when Saturn returns to Aries on 25th May. Until then the hard taskmaster of the cosmos will want you to take care of unfinished business so that you are free to move on, but with time to work with Neptune on big dreams for the future.

Other big changes are on the social front, with Pluto having finally left your career sector late last year and is now settling into the first full year of a 20 year visit to your sector of friendship, teamwork and networking with the help of Jupiter in your communication sector. Even when Jupiter leaves on 10th June, Uranus’ return on 7th July will see him take over. This is another of the big changes in 2025, with Uranus leaving your income sector after nearly six years where he was a major support for Pluto when he was in your career sector. This will bring these major forces back together again, this time with a greater focus on connecting. Uranus will retrograde back into your income sector on 8th November, after some active months on the job front from June to October and before things kick off on the career front with Mars’ return to your career sector on 15th December.

hat makes 2025 such a massive year for change is not that the Sun, Mercury, Venus and Mars are on the move for that is always the case and even when apart from the Sun they turn retrograde, it will only ever be for a few weeks or months and they are back on the move again. It is the slower outer planets that don’t move and will remain a constant fixture for years if not decades that are on the move this year. This is the background that stays the same while everything else keeps moving. If even one outer planet leaves a sign and returns to another this will represent a year where there is considered to be significant change, for this is going to change the landscape itself. What makes 2025 such an extraordinary year is that it is not just one of the outer planets that are on the move but all of them. Every single one and it has already started.

Pluto, who had been in your sector of adventure, travel, learning and discovery since 2008 began making moves to transition out and return to your career sector in early 2023. After a half hearted attempt, Pluto tried again last year and managed to spend over seven months in your career sector before retrograding back out again. By the time you move into the New Year, Pluto has been back in your career sector for six weeks and he is here now for the next 20 years. This has seen Pluto partner back up with Jupiter in your income sector, with the planet of luck and expansion’s quest for income growth and expansion not ending until 10th June. This is when Jupiter will return to your communication sector, beginning a big year for all aspects of communication.

The other big moves involve Saturn and Neptune, who will leave your sector of friendship, teamwork and networking and return to a nostalgic and reflective part of your chart, Neptune on 31st March and Saturn on 25th May. Saturn will retrograde back out again on 1st September and Neptune on 22nd October, as they begin to transition into both the wind down of your current three decades long Saturn cycle and to spend more time on your dreams. The last major move will come on 7th July, when after nearly six years in Taurus Uranus, the planet that is all about our personal truth while able to work through the laws of synchronicity to put things on the right path, will finally leave. This will see Uranus begin his transition into your income sector where from the start he will team up with Pluto in your career sector, making this not just a big year on both fronts but until he leaves in 2033.

2025 is not only a year of major change, but this is a gateway year and is going to open things up for several years to come while forming new cosmic partnerships that are going to reshape things considerably. What makes this exciting for you is that it comes while Jupiter, the planet of luck and expansion is still in Gemini and you are still in the foundation year of a new 12 year Jupiter cycle of expansion and will be until he leaves on 10th June. Jupiter is still in retrograde motion as you move into the New Year and will be until 4th February, giving you a chance to pause before embarking on the roller coaster ride the year will take you on. However, one of the changes that will have the biggest impact not only on this year but for decades to come has already happened and as you move into the New Year, you will be just starting to get a feel for it.

On New Year’s Day Pluto, the planet of change and transformation has been back in your sector of adventure, travel, learning and discovery for six weeks and here now until 2044, for the next 20 years simply going through the motions is no longer an option. Yet with Neptune, after nearly 13 years in your career sector leaving on 31st March and after two years Saturn leaving on 25th May, this professional year will also be getting off to an empowered start. Not only will Saturn and Neptune be working to make their final months count and of a partnership that is giving you the resolve to do whatever it takes for as long as it takes in order to turn dreams into reality, but there will be a flood of planets supporting this. The faster planets will start arriving in your career sector as early as 3rd January and the last won’t leave until 17th May, eight days before Saturn.

This is something that Mars will be keen to exploit when he retrogrades back into your income sector for a double dip visit from 6th January to 18th April. With Pluto now in an adventurous part of your chart to stay, he will be keeping a close watch on your work/life balance. Meanwhile, one of the biggest changes of 2025 and the one that will have the most personal impact is when on 7th July, Uranus will return to Gemini for the first time in eight decades. Uranus is the planet of surprise, synchronicity and the unexpected and the planet that is all about our personal truth while able to work through the laws of synchronicity to put things on the right path, often through unexpected, serendipitous or eureka moments. Like all outer planets, it will take time for Uranus to transition and he will retrograde back out on 8th November, only to return in April 2026 but to remain here until 2033.

There is a lot happening this year and a lot of change and for those born under the sign of Cancer, that could ring warning bells. However, rest assured, this is change of the exciting kind with a mix of major new beginnings and an exciting year professionally without upsetting your work/life balance. If there was one year when you could have your cake and eat it too, this is it. As you move into the New Year Jupiter is not only still in a nostalgic and reflective part of your chart but is in retrograde motion, with the final year of your current 12 year Jupiter cycle of expansion well into its review mode. It is not until 4th February that Jupiter will turn direct and start heading back towards his return to Cancer on 10th June and the start of not just a new 12 year Jupiter cycle of expansion, but a lucky and expansive year full of the potential for major new beginnings.

By then a lot will have changed and especially on the professional landscape, though with a major effort underway first to get the most out of Saturn and Neptune’s final months in your sector of adventure, travel, learning and discovery. Neptune, the planet of hopes and dreams who has been here since 2012 will leave on 31st March while Saturn, who has been here since March 2023 will leave on 25th May. While a parade of planets will not only move through between 3rd January and 17th May, but because of retrograde turns Venus and Mercury will both spend a considerable amount of time here. This is a chance to capture the spirit of adventure as Neptune returns to your career sector for the first time in three decades on 31st March and Saturn for the first time in three decades on 25th May.

They will both return to an adventurous part of your chart for a few months later in the year, but both will leave and return to your career sector in early 2026, Saturn to spend until April 2028 and Neptune until 2029. By early February things will be starting to move on the career front and will be in full swing by the end of March. This is something that Mars will be keen to exploit when after retrograding back out of your income sector on 6th January, he will return for a do over from 18th April to 17th June. This will provide some competition for Pluto, who after spending 2024 transitioning out of your relationship sector and into your financial sector is finally settled in and will be here until 2044. As the planet of change and transformation he is here to change things up and especially your relationship with money, but here for the next 20 years there is no pressure to reinvent the wheel overnight.

2025 is a unique and unprecedented year in that while it is a year of major change, what is so extreme about this is that every planet in the solar system bar two is on the move and one of those made its move just six weeks before you moved into the New Year and the other has been fixed in position for over nine decades and will be for decades to come. The planets that year after year provide a steady and unchanging background are all on the move and in many cases are swapping chairs. The one constant is the dwarf planet Eris, who has been in your sector of adventure, travel, learning and discovery for over nine decades but even she is about to get a major boost. The warrior princess of the cosmos will no longer be solely responsible for keeping the spirit of adventure alive when on 31st March Neptune, the planet of hopes and dreams will return for his first visit in our lifetime while Saturn will join them for his first visit in three decades on 25th May.

By then the faster planets will have returned or moved through, creating a groundswell of momentum and making this not just one of the most powerful areas of your life in 2025 but for decades to come. Saturn will retrograde back out on 1st September and back into your financial sector where he began the year and Neptune will do the same on 8th November. However, when Neptune returns in January 2026 he will then remain here until 2039 while Saturn, who will return in February 2026, will remain in your sector of adventure, travel, learning and discovery until April 2028. Until then, they have unfinished business in your financial sector, where Neptune has been since 2012. However, it wasn’t until Saturn returned in March 2023 that you have been able to use his resolve to do whatever it takes for as long as it takes in order to turn financial dreams into reality.

This will put a lot of focus on your financial situation and money matters in the early months of the year but with Venus, the planet of money not only returning to your financial sector on 3rd January to get the ball rolling, but to spend an extraordinary amount of time here, spread out over two visits that won’t finally run their course until 1st May. Considering that Venus will normally only spend 24 days here and just how critical the timing is, is going to make these not just the most powerful months of this financial year but the period that everything until now has led up to and everything from now will lead on from. By New Year’s Day Pluto has been in your relationship sector for six weeks and here now until 2044, he was the first of the big changes to come. Another big change is on the professional front with Uranus, who has been in your career sector since 2019 leaving on 7th July and returning to your sector of friendship, teamwork and networking.

The planet that got the ball rolling on the big changes that will define 2025 as a gateway year into the next phase while offering a chance to start drawing a line on the past, is the one planet that is settled into position. By the time you move into the New Year Pluto has been back in your busy work sector for six weeks and he will be here now until 2044. It was while Pluto was starting to transition in last year that Jupiter not only returned to your career sector to begin your biggest year for professional growth and expansion in over a decade but spent his early weeks closely aligned with Pluto. With Jupiter not leaving until 10th June, that partnership has resumed, making 2025 a significant year on both the job and career fronts. Pluto is a slow moving planet and with Jupiter in retrograde motion until 4th February things might be slow to get moving but make the most of this slower pace while it lasts.

While Jupiter will leave on 10th June, with Uranus returning to your career sector for the first time in eight decades on 7th July, work and career matters will continue to go hand in hand. Another area of massive change is on the relationship and financial fronts, with Saturn and Neptune not only both on the move but in unison. Neptune, the planet of hopes and dreams has been in your relationship sector since 2012 and Saturn, the planet of personal responsibility has been here since March 2023, making them a well established team while putting a lot of focus on your relationships over recent years. While Neptune continued to fuel the dream, Saturn continued to keep it real. Neptune will leave on 31st March and Saturn on 25th May, but not before a huge amount of support from the faster planets as they move through. This will start with Venus’ return on 3rd January for what is normally a 24 day visit but instead, after leaving and returning she will eventually leave again on 1st May.

While Saturn will retrograde back into your relationship sector on 1st September and Neptune on 22nd October, only for a few months before leaving again in early 2026, Neptune not to return again in our lifetime and Saturn not for another three decades. Instead, Neptune and Saturn are transitioning into your financial sector, where they will continue to work as a team, this time with Neptune fuelling your financial dreams while Saturn gives you the resolve and discipline to do whatever it takes for as long as it takes in order to turn those dreams into reality. That transition begins when Neptune returns for the first time in our lifetime on 31st March and Saturn for the first time in three decades on 25th May, but never with the planet of hopes and dreams before.

While there are some big and even unprecedented changes this year, things will remain remarkably balanced and could even make your life more balanced than it already is, something that you may already be starting to notice. Especially when it comes to a balance between work and play, with both sides of life’s fence upping their game. After nearly 13 years and having first returned to your busy work sector in 2012, Neptune is not only getting ready to leave on 31st March but Saturn, who has been here since March 2023 is getting ready to leave on 25th May. While both will return later in the year, Saturn on 1st September and Neptune on 22nd October, only for a few months before leaving again in early 2026, not to return. It is in their final months that there will be an extraordinary push from the faster moving planets to pack as much into these final months as possible.

As this will start with Venus’ return on 3rd January and will continue right through to the end of April, the year is going to get off to a busy start and especially with Mars, who had left your career sector in November 2024, retrograding back in from 6th January to 18th April. Mars will be here, firing things up professionally during what will not only be the busiest four months of the year on the job front and for whatever it is that keeps you busy and occupies your time, but in what will be a landmark period for years to come. However, this is also a stepping stone, for while Saturn will leave your work sector empty when he leaves on 25th May, it is just a few weeks later that on 10th June Jupiter, the planet of luck and expansion will return to your career sector to begin your biggest year for professional growth and expansion in over a decade.

This is not only a massive year professionally but a year that is going to keep you busy, which is where that all important balance already mentioned comes in. Helping to keep things balanced is that by the time you move into the New Year Pluto, the planet of change and transformation has been back in a fun, playful, romantic and creatively charged part of your chart for six weeks, but he is not only here now for the rest of the year but until 2044. Helping to keep the focus on the playful, creative and adventurous side of life’s fence is having Jupiter not only in your sector of adventure, travel, learning and discovery until 10th June but in partnership with Pluto. Even when Jupiter leaves, less than a month later and with the Sun here by then, Uranus will not only return for his first visit in eight decades but will be closely aligned with Pluto from the start.

As you move into the New Year Pluto, the planet of change and transformation has been back in your home and family sector for just six weeks, but here now until 2044 this is something that you have been preparing for since March 2023, when he began his transition. As you will see from what the other outer planets are up to this year, this is always a process that takes several attempts to leave one sign and return to the next. In this case, Pluto has been transitioning out of your communication sector, where he had been since 2008 and into your home and family sector, where he will remain for the next two decades. However, it is an event in the very early days of the month that holds the key to getting the most out of this incredible year and while it might be challenging at the time, it is super important to pay attention.

That event is a clash between Pluto and Mars, just as he is about to retrograde back out of your career sector on 6th January. Mars is in retrograde motion so he isn’t going to push back much and as he will be returning to your sector of adventure, travel, learning and discovery just as things are starting to fire up in a playful and creative part of your chart, he will be keen to use any work/life balance tension to his advantage as well. Pay attention to any work/life balance tension or pressure and especially in those early days back to work after the holiday period and see this as an opportunity to tweak things or at least make this one of your New Year’s resolutions. For what you have is an extraordinary year professionally though a busy one while this is also a big year for home, family, your relationships and the playful, creative and adventurous side of life’s fence.

Mars is back in your sector of adventure, travel, learning and discovery until 18th April and with Neptune, in a playful and creative part of your chart since 2012 leaving on 31st March, Saturn who has been here since March 2023 leaving on 25th May and an army of support during their final months, the timing couldn’t be better. However, not only is this a finite period but this will not only see Neptune, Saturn and their support retinue all return to your busy work sector, but Mars will return to your career sector on 18th April for a do over. While Saturn will retrograde back out again on 1st September and Neptune on 22nd October, only for a few months before they return in the New Year, with Neptune then here until 2039 and Saturn until 2028. This is the one year when having the right work/life balance couldn’t be more important and especially if you want to have it all.

What sets 2025 apart from other years is not just the amount of change but that all the outer planets, those that are in the same place for years if not decades, to a point because they are ever constant blend into the background, are all on the move. All but one but only because as you move into the New Year Pluto, the planet of change and transformation has just finished his big transition and has been in your communication sector for just six weeks but is here now until 2044. Pluto had spent a few months here in early 2023 and another seven months in 2024, in between dipping back into your income sector to tie up the loose ends of a visit that had begun in 2008. It was when Pluto was in your communication sector last year that Jupiter not only returned to your relationship sector but moved straight into a friendly aspect.

Jupiter is still in your relationship sector and will be until 10th June and having Pluto back in your communication sector will help you get the most out of what is set to be a big year for all your relationships. For while Jupiter will end his 13 month visit to your relationship sector on 10th June and his partnership with Pluto, this sets the scene for Uranus to do the same when less than a month later, on 7th July he will return for his first visit in eight decades. As was the case with Pluto, as an outer planet Uranus will still have unfinished business from his time in your work sector since 2019 and while he will leave there on 7th July, he will retrograde back in on 8th November to tie up loose ends.

Uranus will leave your work sector for good in April 2026 and will not only then remain in your relationship sector until 2033, but with Pluto in your communication sector the whole of that time. The other major planets on the move this year are Saturn and Neptune, one the hard taskmaster of the cosmos and the planet of personal responsibility and the other the planet of hopes and dreams. Neptune has been in your home and family sector since 2012 and Saturn since March 2023. Where Neptune is all about the dream, Saturn has the resolve and discipline to do whatever it takes for as long as it takes. Neptune will leave and return to a playful and creative part of your chart on 31st March and Saturn on 25th May, along with the faster planets that will be following in their wake. This transition from home and family to the more playful and creative side of life’s fence will be playing out during Uranus’ final six months in your work sector, with life likely to be busy. This will make your work/life balance important.

To say that this new professional and financial year is getting off to a good start is an understatement. By the time you move into the New Year Pluto, the planet of change and transformation is not only back in your income sector but after a false start in 2023 and again in 2024, he is here now for the next 20 years and ready for a fresh start, though with a huge amount of experience under your belt. Pluto is also back in partnership with Jupiter, the planet of luck and expansion in your work sector, who he spent the middle months of 2024 closely aligned with. Back then Jupiter had just returned to begin your biggest year for job growth and expansion in over a decade and while in retrograde motion until 4th February, will be ready to bring things home before leaving on 10th June. Having to come to a standstill in order to turn direct might make January a slow month on the job front but take advantage of that, for it won’t last.

This will see income and job potential go hand in hand and not just until Jupiter leaves in June. Less than a month later and with the Sun in your work sector by then, on 7th July Uranus will return for the first time in eight decades. Uranus is the planet that is all about our personal truth while able to work through the laws of synchronicity to put things on the right path, often through unexpected, serendipitous or eureka moments. Uranus will retrograde back out again on 8th November, but he will not only return again in April 2026 and then stay here until 2033, but while here will remain closely aligned with Pluto. Instead of that link between income and job potential ending when Jupiter leaves your work sector on 10th June, it will increase dramatically in the second half of the year. However, until leaving a playful and creative part of your chart on 7th July, where he has been since 2019, Uranus will be working to first put some guardrails in place when it comes to a balance between work and play.

The other major planets on the move this year are Neptune and Saturn, with this unlikely duo set to remain a tight team even though there is a shift in focus. Neptune is the planet of hopes and dreams and likes to be as far removed from reality as possible while Saturn is all about keeping it real, discipline and personal responsibility. They have been working as a team since Saturn joined Neptune in your communication sector, where he has been since 2012. It is that mix of being able to have a dream and the means to do whatever it takes for as long as it takes that has made them a formidable force in all aspects of communication. They are going to take this show on the road when Neptune leaves and returns to your home and family sector on 31st March, followed by Saturn on 25th May.

While there is no doubt that 2025 is a huge year for change and so much so that this is the defining feature of the year, for you the biggest of those shifts has already taken place. Everything from now is secondary to what has been the major shift or transition that cosmically you will ever go through in a lifetime. That is the return of Pluto, the planet of change and transformation to Aquarius and the birthing process that began in March 2023 and didn’t finally end until November 2024. By the time you move into the New Year, after a false start in 2023 and another in 2024, Pluto has been back in Aquarius for just six weeks but he is here to stay and won’t leave until 2044. With the planet of change and transformation in Aquarius for the next 20 years, this gives you the time and resources to change your life and to embrace major new beginnings, but without having the reinvent the wheel overnight.

Pluto has also returned to find Jupiter, the planet of luck and expansion still in a playful and creative part of your chart, who he spent the middle part of 2024 closely connected to. This will see them resume that bond and even when Jupiter leaves and returns to your busy work sector on 10th June, there will soon be someone to step into his shoes. While the Sun will be there by then and this will ensure life doesn’t suddenly become all work and no play, less than a month later Uranus will return to your romantic and creative sector for the first time in eight decades on 7th July. From the start, Uranus is going to move into a friendly aspect to Pluto and they will remain closely aligned until he retrogrades back out on 8th November. That will also be the case when Uranus returns again in April 2026, this time to remain here until 2033.

This will make it easier to maintain a balance between work and play and especially in the first four months of the year, which could not only be the busiest but will define things on the income and job fronts for the rest of the year and beyond. The year begins with Saturn and Neptune still in your income sector but getting ready to leave, Neptune who has been here since 2012 on 31st March and Saturn, who has been here since March 2023 on 25th May. There will be a huge amount of support from the faster planets during that time including Venus and Mercury, who will leave but then retrograde back in, together spending much of the first four months of the year in your income sector. Helping you get the most out of this is having Mars retrograded back into your work sector from 6th January to 18th April, two months after having left, not usually to return for another two years. It is when they and the planets travelling with them leave your income sector that Saturn and Neptune will turn their attention onto your communications.

While for everyone 2025 is a year of major change, for you this is also the beginning of the end of an era. This began back in 2012 when Neptune, the planet of hopes and dreams returned to Pisces for the first time in our lifetime. This is your ruling planet and the one planet in the solar spotlight that speaks most directly to you and especially to your hopes and dreams. What really gave this teeth and you the ability to get serious about making this count was when Saturn returned to Pisces in March 2023 to begin a new three decade long Saturn cycle of learning and personal growth. Saturn and Neptune couldn’t be more opposite, with Neptune shying away from reality and Saturn purposely walking towards it.

Yet Saturn, the planet of personal responsibility is giving you the resolve and the discipline to do whatever it takes for as long as it takes in order to turn dreams into reality and especially as both get ready to leave. Neptune will leave on 31st March and Saturn on 25th May and while they will return to Pisces later in the year, Saturn on 1st September and Neptune on 22nd October, it will only be to spend a few months tying up loose ends before leaving again in early 2026. Neptune not to return again in our lifetime and Saturn not until this current three decade long Saturn cycle ends. The year not only starts with Saturn and Neptune still here but with a wave of planets all moving through Pisces in the first four months of the year that will support new beginnings.

This means that Saturn and Neptune are off on a new adventure and one that will see them continue to work as a team as first Neptune returns to your income sector on 31st March and then Saturn on 25th May. While they will retrograde out and return to Pisces later in the year, when Neptune returns in January 2026 he will be here until 2039 while Saturn, who will return in February 2026 will be here until 2028. What makes the timing of this powerful new chapter on the income front significant is that while Mars will retrograde back out of your work sector on 6th January, he will return for a fresh start from 18th April to 17th June. Mars will be here when Neptune and Saturn return to your work sector and as a parade of other planets move through, with an explosion of potential opening up on the job and career fronts at that time. This is also a taste of things to come, for when Jupiter returns to your work sector from June 2026 to July 2027 to begin your biggest year for job growth and expansion in over a decade, Neptune and Saturn will be in your income sector throughout that time.

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