While Mars will leave your romantic sector on 6th January, not only has the planet of passion and the warrior planet of the cosmos already been here for two months, but by retrograding back out it means that he isn’t finished yet. Instead, he has barely begun and when he returns again on 18th April, it will be for a complete do over, with a chance to spend another two months firing up your romantic passions and fighting spirit before leaving on 17th June. Normally spending just six weeks here every other year, between November 2024 and June 2025, Mars will spend four months firing things up while setting things up for Venus, the planet of love and her extended stay in Aries this year.
For while Mars is retrograding back into and out of your romantic sector, Venus is set to do the same when she returns to Aries on 4th February for what should be a 24 day chance to work her magic. Instead, a retrograde turn on 2nd March will see Venus retrograde back out again on 27th March, nearly two months later and then once in direct motion, return for a second visit from 1st May to 6th June. A Full Moon in your romantic sector on 13th February will get the first chapter off to a romantically charged start, while with Mars returning to your romantic sector on 11th June, he will easily slip back into the scene. Between them, Venus and Mars are going to keep the romantic flame burning for much of the first half of the year.
Even then, with Mercury returning to your romantic sector on 27th June and a retrograde turn keeping him here until 3rd September, this will continue into well into the second half of the year. What Venus, Mars and Mercury all have in common is their time in retrograde motion, indicating that there is a strong link to the past this year. Meanwhile, while it is not until Mars returns to your relationship sector on 7th August that there will be any planetary activity in your relationship sector, the South Node’s departure on 12th January will end the lunar nodes 18 month policing of a balance between your own and your relationship needs. This will take the pressure off you and your relationships while leaving you with an authentic sense of what you want from your relationships and what they need from you.
On both the romantic and relationship fronts there are two distinct but overlapping chapters. The first is the ordinary planetary activity, which on the romantic front will run from Mars’ return to your romantic sector on 17th June to Venus’ departure on 14th October. On the relationship front, this will run from Mars’ return to your relationship sector on 22nd September to Mercury’s departure on 25th December. Before that, it will be a Full Moon in your romantic sector on 14th March and another in your relationship sector on 13th May that will give both a boost. However, in addition, there are some larger and overlapping themes in play.
The first is on the relationship front, where you not only begin the year with the asteroid Juno, the queen of commitment and especially commitment to your relationships in your relationship sector but even when she leaves on 20th February, she will retrograde back in again from 15th April to 1st October. When Juno returned last November, it was for the first time in four years and with the Sun here at the time, she has stayed on to help keep your relationships on track. Juno will still be here when Mars returns to your relationship sector on 22nd September, with a chance for the planet of passion and the warrior planet of the cosmos to take over from there. Meanwhile, it is the Full Moon in your romantic sector on 14th March that holds a clue to what is happening on the romantic front.
This is a Full Moon that will always fall halfway between the Sun’s last visit to your romantic sector and the next and at the least active point in the year on the romantic front, this is designed to give matters of the heart a boost. However, this will be no ordinary Full Moon but a total lunar eclipse, which can only happen when a Full Moon falls close to one of the lunar nodes. In this case, the South Node, whose return on 12th January will also turn a New Moon on 22nd September into a solar eclipse. This will be the second of two ordinary New Moons, with the first on 23rd August and just after the Sun’s return. The South Node is here until July 2025, with more eclipses next year and with the element of fate now in play.
As is often the case, the main focus on your relationships is going to be in the latter months of each year and sometimes flowing into the early weeks of the new year. While moving into the New Year with Mercury, the planet of communication still in your relationship sector but the Sun and Venus having already moved through is both a chance to start with the communication lines open, this year the relationship gods have a secret weapon up their sleeves. Normally in your relationship sector for just 14 to 15 days, a retrograde turn that has kept Mercury here for two months will finally see him leave on 8th January. This should be the end of all planetary activity on the relationship until Mercury returns on 30th October to kick off this year’s round of planetary activity.
Instead, on 20th February the asteroid Juno, the queen of commitment and especially commitment to your relationships will return for her first visit in four years. Juno will leave on 15th April but by retrograding back out, which means that she will return for a do over from 1st October to 30th December. Here when Mercury not only comes full circle but when Mars returns on 5th November, the Sun on 22nd December and Venus on 1st December, Juno is set to have a subtle but strong influence on your relationships this year. Unlike the Sun, Mercury and Venus, Mars doesn’t return each year, so to have him show up suggests that the final months of the year will be the most significant on the relationship front.
Mars will also visit your romantic sector this year, with his return on 7th August kicking off the first planetary activity on the romantic front since October 2024. While Mars is only here until 22nd September, by the time he leaves the Sun and Mercury will both be here and will continue to keep the romantic flame burning. While Mars, the planet of passion and the warrior planet of the cosmos will be the first planetary activity to kick off this year’s most romantically charged months it will be Venus, the planet of love and the last planet to return on 14th October who will bring things to a close on 7th November, three months to the day after Mars kicked things off. This will see the planets of passion and love bookend the most romantically charged three months of 2025.
Because the Sun will always spend the last 10 days and the first three weeks of each year in your relationship sector, the solar spotlight is always on your relationships from the start. As you move into 2025 there will be a mix of the expected and the unexpected. The expected is that the solar spotlight is on your relationships and will be until the Sun leaves on 20th January. Not so much expected but not unusual is that while Venus, the planet of love moved through late last year and is no longer here, her influence can still be felt, giving you a sense of what you want from your relationships from the start. With Venus not returning again until Christmas Day, this is something that needs to be held onto.
Held back by a retrograde phase Mercury was late to return to your relationship sector last year and will instead return from 8th January to 28th January in order to do what as the planet of communication he does best. Meanwhile, the unexpected is what is missing, as for the first time since 2008 you move into the New Year without Pluto, the planet of change, transformation and rebellion here. Pluto left in November 2024 and he won’t be back again in our lifetime, though after 16 years he has forever changed what you want from your relationships and what they need from you. This means that when Mercury leaves your relationship sector on 28th January it will remain empty until Mars returns on 15th December, returning to fire things up a week before the Sun comes full circle on 22nd December.
Mercury won’t return to your relationship sector again this year, making these early weeks important for getting the communication lines open. However, with Venus, the planet of love joining the Sun and Mars on 25th December, the year will end with a lot of focus on your relationships. Meanwhile, while you move into 2025 with no planetary activity in your romantic sector and Mars won’t return to begin the most romantically charged months of 2025 until 22nd December, this year the love gods have a secret weapon in the form of the asteroid Juno, the queen of commitment, who returned for her first visit to your romantic sector in four years in November 2024. While Juno will leave on 20th February, she will retrograde back in again from 15th October to 1st October, giving you the resolve to keep the romantic flame burning.
While it is the early and the latter months of the year that are going to be the most romantically charged, you have not only returned to one of the most important years on the relationship front in your lifetime so far but the start of a new 20 year journey that you have been preparing for since as far back as March 2023. This is when Pluto, the planet of change and transformation returned to your relationship sector for the first time in over 200 years. While Pluto was here for less than three months before retrograding back out again, this is when he began to plant the seeds for change and for real and authentic relationships. Pluto returned again in 2024, this time for seven months before retrograding back out, only to return again on 20th November. This time Pluto is here to stay and not leaving until 2044, there isn’t a moment of 2025 or the next 20 years when he won’t be there, in the background guarding against complacency.
This is now your new normal, but there will be a lot more focus on your relationships when the Sun and the other planets move through. The year begins with Venus, the planet of love in your relationship sector until 3rd November and with the dwarf planet Ceres, who is making her first deep dive into your relationship needs and priorities in four years until 24th February. This is when the Sun, returning from 20th January to 18th February to put the solar spotlight on your relationships and Mercury, who will return from 28th January to 15th February to do what as the planet of communication he does best, will take over. Ceres will be the last to leave, with her departure on 24th February leaving Pluto on his own until the Sun, Venus, Mercury and Mars return in early 2026.
Meanwhile, the year begins with Mercury still in your romantic sector and until leaving on 8th January he will be working to give your heart a voice and to put heart and mind on the same page. While this should end all planetary activity until the most romantically charged months of the year begin on 30th October and run right through to early 2026, the love gods have a secret weapon up their sleeve. That secret weapon is the asteroid Juno, the queen of commitment, who will return for her first visit to your romantic sector in four years on 20th February. Juno will leave on 15th April, but by retrograding back out, which means that when she turns direct, she will return for a do over from 1st October to 30 December, with the resolve to keep the romantic flame burning.
Because the Sun will always spend the last 10 days and the first three weeks of each year in your romantic sector, the solar spotlight is always going to be on matters of the heart and all things romantic as you move into the New Year. This year there is going to be less focus on matters of the heart and more on your relationships. Partly because Pluto, who had been in your romantic sector since 2008 left in November 2024 and won’t be back again in our lifetime, though not before forever changing your romantic expectations. Once the Sun leaves your romantic sector on 20th January and Mercury, who will return on 8th January to give your heart a voice and to put heart and mind on the same page leaves on 28th January, apart from the Moon’s monthly visits, this will end all planetary activity on the romantic front until Mars returns on 15th December.
However, with Mars then here until January 2026, the Sun always returning just before Christmas and Venus, the planet of love on Christmas Day, this is one year when the love gods will be saving the best till last. However, while the planetary focus on matters of the heart and all things romantic is contained to the early and final weeks of the year, it is a different story on the relationship front. While Saturn, who returned to your relationship sector in 2023 and Neptune, who returned in 2012 won’t leave for good until early 2026, they will both begin to transition out this year. After nearly 12 years Neptune, the planet of hopes and dreams will leave your relationship sector on 31st March, though will retrograde back in to tie up loose ends on 22nd October, before leaving for good and not returning again in our lifetime in January 2026.
Saturn, the hard taskmaster of the cosmos and the planet that is all about personal responsibility will leave on 25th May, retrograding back in on 1st February before he leaves in February 2026, not to return for another three decades. Helping with this transition will be Venus and Mercury, with the planets of love and communication both doing the same. Venus will return on 3rd January but will retrograde back out on 4th February, returning for a do over from 27th March to 1st May. Mercury, the planet of communication will return on 15th February and while he will leave on 3rd March, he will retrograde back in for a do over from 30th March to 16th April. This is a year of transition and the year that could define all your relationships moving forward.
Because the Sun, Venus and Mercury follow a similar pattern year after year, there are certain times of each year when there is going to be a lot more focus on matters of the heart or your relationships. These are the ordinary seasons, with a lot of focus on matters of the heart and all things romantic in the early months of each year, while it is around March and April that the focus shifts to your relationships. While this is still the case this year, the difference is that the focus is never going to shift off matters of the heart and it will once it starts to shift to your relationships it is going to stay that way as well. In short, this is no ordinary year on either the romantic or relationship front and instead a gateway year into a major new journey on both fronts. On the romantic front, this is thanks to Pluto, the planet of change and transformation’s return to your romantic sector in November 2024, where he will stay until 2044.
For the next 20 years, as the Sun and the faster planets come and go, Pluto will keep the focus on matters of the heart and will be working to ensure that the days of being in a romantic rut are over. To start with Pluto will have help and especially in January and February. While Venus, the planet of love will leave your romantic sector on 3rd January and won’t return until early 2026, she will have spent nearly four weeks with Pluto by then, as will the dwarf planet Ceres, who returned with Venus in December 2024 to begin her first deep dive into your heart’s needs and priorities in four years. The Sun will move through from 20th January to 18th February and Mercury from 28th January to 15th February, but it is not until Ceres leaves on 24th February that Pluto will be back on his own and apart from the Moon’s monthly visits, it will stay that way for the rest of the year.
However, by then something special will be developing on the relationship front, over and above Venus’ return to your relationship sector on 4th February. Normally here for just 24 days, Venus will leave on 27th March but by retrograding back out, only to return again for a do over from 1st May to 6th June. Mercury, the planet of communication will do the same, returning from 3rd March to 30th March, only to retrograde back out before returning again from 16th April to 11th May. All this is preparation for Neptune’s return on 31st March and Saturn’s return on 25th May to begin some of the most powerful relationship years in a lifetime.
On both the romantic and relationship this is not your normal year or that has become your normal. Until now, your normal has been that since his return to your romantic sector in 2012 Neptune, the planet of healing has been keeping the romantic dream alive and your romantic sector continuously active. In addition, you have had Saturn in your romantic sector since March 2023, giving you the resolve to take responsibility and to do whatever it takes for as long as it takes in order to turn dreams into reality. In addition, you will have the Sun and the faster moving planets move through, always around February and March each year. At the same time, you have had Uranus keeping things real and authentic on the relationship front since he returned to your relationship sector in 2019.
However, all three are leaving this year or at least beginning to transition out, bringing you to the end of an era. The first to leave will be Neptune, who will leave your romantic sector on 31st March, followed by Saturn on 25th May. They will both return later in the year to tie up loose ends, Neptune from 22nd October before leaving for good in January 2026 and Saturn from 1st September, before leaving for good in February 2026. Helping with that transition and to get the most out of these powerful forces will be Venus, who will normally only spend 24 days in your romantic sector each year. Instead, Venus will return on 3rd January and won’t leave until 4th February and even then, by retrograding back out, which means she will return for a double dip visit from 27th March to 1st May.
What is turning what is normally the most romantically charged weeks of any year into the most romantically charged months? Even Mercury will retrograde in and out, working from 15th February to 3rd March and again from 30th March to 16th April to give your heart a voice and to put heart and mind on the same page. Then the focus is going to shift to your relationships, with the Sun’s return to your relationship sector on 20th April the point in each year when the solar spotlight will always shift onto your relationships. Held back by their time spent in your romantic sector, Venus and Mercury will be late returning to your relationship sector this year. Mercury, the planet of communication will work to get the communication lines open when he moves through from 11th May to 26th May while when she moves through from 6th June to 5th July, Venus, the planet of love will be the last to make contact with Uranus before he leaves on 7th July.
With Jupiter halfway through a 12 month transit through your relationship sector, the year starts with a lot of focus on your relationships Jupiter is in your relationship sector until 10th June, with his year long quest for relationship growth in its review phase as the year begins with the planet of luck and expansion still in retrograde motion. Jupiter will turn direct on 4th February, shifting the focus from the past and onto the future, though it is not until the Sun returns on 21st May that there will be any urgency. This is the point in each year that the solar spotlight will always shift onto your relationships, but in time to get the most out of Jupiter’s final weeks. The Sun is here until 21st June and with Mercury, the planet of communication moving through from 26th May to 9th June.
It is after the Sun, Mercury and Jupiter leave that things will get interesting, with Venus’ late return to your relationship sector on 5th July set to be a real advantage. Held back by the time spent in your romantic sector earlier in the year, Venus is late to return but this will put the planet of love here when Uranus, the planet of surprise, synchronicity and the unexpected returns for his first visit to your relationship sector in eight decades. Uranus is only here until 8th November but will return in April 2026 and won’t leave until 2033. This is the start of a major new relationship chapter, with Jupiter’s 12 month visit just the first step. Yet by then, something extraordinary will have already begun to develop on the romantic front.
It begins on 4th February when Venus, the planet of love returns to begin what should be the most romantically charged weeks of 2025, but not leaving until 27th March and even then, by retrograding back out, only to return again from 1st May to 6th June, will instead be the most romantically charged months instead of weeks. However, the reason why Venus isn’t rushing through in 24 days like she normally would, will soon become apparent with Neptune, the planet of hopes and dreams returning for his first visit to your romantic sector in our lifetime on 31st March and Saturn, for his first visit in three decades on 25th May. Neptune will retrograde back out on 22nd October, but when he returns in January 2026 he will be here until 2039, while Saturn will retrograde back out on 1st September, but will return in February 2026 and will be here until April 2028.
On both the romantic and relationship fronts it is business as usual as you move into the New Year, suggesting that this year it is going to be more of the same. However, the reality couldn’t be more different. On the relationship front business as usual means no planetary activity in your relationship sector, as you would expect at this time of year. On the romantic front, business as usual means Uranus, in your romantic sector since 2019 is on his own and in retrograde motion until 31st January, is still taking your heart on a nostalgic trip down memory lane. Things should stay this way until the Sun returns to your romantic sector in April and to your relationship sector in June, for what should be your ordinary annual updates. Yet on both the romantic and relationship fronts, there is change in the air.
This will first be felt on the relationship front when on 6th January, two months after leaving Mars, the planet of passion and the warrior planet of the cosmos will retrograde back into your relationship sector. Normally here for six weeks and then not returning again for another two years, Mars had already spent two months here before leaving in November 2024 and will be back to spend another three and a half months, not leaving again until 18th April. While Mars will have left by the time Mercury, the planet of communication returns on 9th June and Jupiter a day later to begin your biggest year for relationship growth in over a decade, he and his passion and drive to fight for what you want for your relationships, will help path the way.
It is when Venus returns from 31st July to 26th August and the planets of love and luck come together, that the real magic will happen. Meanwhile, while this will put a lot of focus on your relationships, at the same time Uranus is quietly preparing to leave your romantic sector. Uranus won’t leave until 7th July and with Venus moving through from 6th June to 5th July, his final month is likely to be when the real magic happens. Uranus will return on 8th November but only to tie up loose ends, with the planet of surprise, synchronicity and the unexpected leaving again in April 2026, not to return again in our lifetime. Uranus is part of a major shift that the outer planets are undertaking over the course of 2025.
In May 2024 Jupiter, the planet of luck and expansion returned to your romantic sector to begin your luckiest year for love, matters of the heart and all things romantic in over a decade. Until leaving on 10th June, Jupiter will be working to make his final months some of the best and the most expansive. However, while this is one of the biggest things that can happen on the romantic front in a decade, this is about to be dwarfed or revealed to be just the stepping stone for what is coming down the pipeline, which is a once in a lifetime event. Until then, in retrograde motion until 4th February, Jupiter is more focused on the past than the future, with a lot of nostalgia. It is once Jupiter turns direct that he will start moving forward, ready to make his final months count.
The Sun’s return on 21st May means the solar spotlight will be on matters of the heart when during Jupiter’s final weeks while moving through from 26th May to 9th June, Mercury will be working to give your heart a voice and to put heart and mind on the same page. Mercury will leave during Jupiter’s last full day and when the Sun leaves on 21st June, for the first time in over a year this will leave your romantic sector empty and it should stay that way for the rest of the year. Instead, the best is still to come. Held back by a retrograde phase earlier in the year Venus, the planet of love won’t return to your romantic sector until 5th July to begin what can be the most romantically charged weeks of any year. While Jupiter will be gone by then, Venus’ timing couldn’t be better, for she will be here when Uranus, the planet of surprise, synchronicity and the unexpected returns for his first visit to your romantic sector in eight decades.
Uranus will retrograde back out on 8th November, but when he returns in April 2026, he will remain here until 2033. Meanwhile, while the year begins with Mars in your relationship sector, he will retrograde back out on 6th January, with the planet of passion and the warrior planet of the cosmos putting his quest to see you fight for what you want from your relationships until returning for a do over from 18th April to 17th June. It is 10 days later that Mercury, the planet of communication will return for what is normally a two week visit on 27th June but won’t leave until 3rd September. During that time the Sun will move through, with Venus returning to work her magic from 26th August to 19th September.
While as you move into the New Year there is no planetary activity on the romantic or relationship fronts and you wouldn’t expect any at this time of year, that is about to change. First impressions might reveal that it is business as usual, but that illusion will be shattered within just a few days when on 6th January and two months after leaving Mars, the planet of passion and the warrior planet of the cosmos retrogrades back into your romantic sector. Because the Sun always returns on the June solstice and Venus and Mercury at around the same time, this is not usually a romantically charged time of year. However, this is just a taste of things to come and having already spent two months firing things up, Mars will continue to fire things up before leaving again on 18th April.
Mars is in retrograde motion until 24th February, with the doors open to the past and second chances. It is shortly after Mars returns that a Full Moon in your romantic sector on 14th January will help to kick start things. While Mars will return to find your romantic sector empty and apart from the Moon’s monthly visits, he will leave it empty, before the Sun can return on 21st June everything will have changed. Mars will normally only spend six weeks in your romantic sector before returning two years later but having spent two months here in late 2024 and another three and a half months, this will ensure you are ready for what comes next. What comes next is not just Mercury’s return to your romantic sector on 9th June, though the timing couldn’t be better and instead, what happens a day later, when on 10th June Jupiter will return to begin your luckiest year for love and all things romantic in over a decade.
Mercury is only in your romantic sector from 9th June to 27th June, but his annual mission to give your heart a voice and to put heart and mind on the same page couldn’t come with better timing. The real magic is going to happen when Venus returns and joins up with Jupiter, with the planets of love and luck coming together from 31st July to 26th August. This is right in the heart of the most active months of the year on the relationship front, which will begin with Mars’ return to your relationship sector on 17th June and end with Venus’ departure on 14th October.