On both sides of the financial fence, it is both business as usual and a large degree of the expected, but also enough of the unexpected that this won’t be just another rubber stamp year. You begin the year with Uranus, the planet of surprise, synchronicity and the unexpected in your income sector, as he has been since 2019. Since then, Uranus had been very much working in tandem with Pluto, during his final years in your career sector. However, Pluto left in November and now Uranus is getting ready to leave as well, though not until 7th July. This will give the faster planets a chance to make one last visit before the planet that has been keeping things moving in a lucrative direction leaves, though he will return on 8th November, leaving for good just after the Sun returns again in April 2026.
However, it is in the early months of this year that there will be a push to get the most out of Uranus’ final months. This will start with the Sun’s return from 20th April to 21st May, something that at this time each year will always put the solar spotlight on your income situation, matters and options. Mercury will move through from 11th May to 26th May, giving you the smart head for money needed to get your head in the game and to think on your feet. However, it is when Venus moves through from 6th June to 5th July that the real magic could happen. Venus is the planet of money, desire and attraction and when she moves through these can be the most lucrative weeks of any year. With Uranus leaving on 7th July, along with his ability to trigger the laws of synchronicity, this is when the real opportunities could open up.
Meanwhile, while things aren’t as active on the other side of the financial fence and won’t be until Mars returns to your financial sector on 22nd September, the money gods have a secret weapon up their sleeves. That secret weapon is the asteroid Juno, the queen of commitment who will begin the year in your financial sector, making it easier to hold onto your financial resolutions. Juno will leave on 20th February but will retrograde back in from 15th April to 1st October and will still be here when Mars returns on 22nd September to fire up your financial passions and fighting spirit and to begin the most active months of the year for money matters. By then Uranus will be gone from your income sector and for the first time since 2019, this will be a chance for some focused attention on the other side of the financial fence.
While there is enough planetary activity in your financial sector this year, the side of the financial fence where it is more about what you do with and how you manage the money you have to stay on top of money matters, the real action is on the income side of the financial fence. Even then, while starting the year with Jupiter, the planet of luck and expansion still in your income sector and halfway through your biggest year for income growth and expansion in over a decade is already a big deal, things are set to take a major and extraordinary turn for the better. The faster planets move through your income sector once a year and for you, as a base line the most lucrative months of any year will usually be May and June, for that is when the Sun moves through. Jupiter’s return in May 2024 took this to a whole new level while keeping things ticking over since then.
Jupiter has been on his own since September 2024 and a retrograde turn a month later shifted the focus onto the past. As you move into 2025 Jupiter is still in retrograde motion and will be until 4th February, so you might not see much movement, though the doors will be open to the past, second chances and untapped potential. It is the Sun’s return to your income sector on 21st May that will put the solar spotlight on your income situation, matters and options. This is when the push to make the most of Jupiter’s final weeks before leaving on 10th June will kick in, with Mercury adding his smart head for money to the mix when he moves through from 26th May to 9th June. With Jupiter leaving a day later and the Sun on 21st June, for the first time in 13 months, this will leave your income sector empty and it should stay that way.
This should be as good as it gets, but this will move to a whole new level when held back by a retrograde phase earlier in the year Venus, the planet of money, desire and attraction will return to begin what she will always work to make the most lucrative weeks of any year on 5th July. However, the game changer will come two days later, when on 7th July Uranus, the planet of surprise, synchronicity and the unexpected will return to your income sector for the first time in eight decades. Uranus is only here until retrograding back out on 8th November but will return in April 2026 and then not leave until 2033. To have Venus here at the birth of a new era and in time to capitalise on the nearly 13 months Jupiter, the planet of luck and expansion has just spent here could have major implications.
As you move into this new financial year there is a mix of the expected and the unexpected and that includes on both sides of the financial fence while at the same time, a sense that the tables have turned. Since Pluto, the planet of change, transformation and rebellion returned to your financial sector in 2008, there has been near continuous planetary activity on this side of the financial fence, the side where it is more about what you do with and how you manage the money you have. Year after year, planets have come and gone from your income sector, but only ever for a few months at a time and always having to compete with Pluto’s overarching focus on your financial situation and money matters. That was the side of the financial fence that the balance of power has been, but not anymore.
For the first time since 2008, you will move into the New Year to find Pluto gone and while the Sun will always spend the first three weeks of each year in your financial sector and the solar spotlight is on your financial situation and money matters, this is more the annual update that money matters get each year. It might not be until Mercury, who will move through from 8th January to 28th January with the smart head for money needed to get your head in the game and to think on your feet leaves, that the enormity of Pluto’s departure will hit home. For bar a few months in early 2023, this will leave your financial sector empty and it will stay that way until Mars returns on 15th December, the Sun on 22nd December and Venus on 25th December, for what will be your next annual update for money matters. Gone is the overriding focus on money matters and instead, the focus is shifting to the income side of the financial fence.
It starts on 6th January, when two months after leaving Mars, the planet of passion and the warrior planet of the cosmos will return for a do over, this time without having to compete with Pluto and money matters. This time it is all about the income side of the financial fence and a fight for what you deserve and in retrograde motion until 24th February, this includes the doors this will open to the past and second chances. Mars will leave on 18th April and while this will leave your income sector empty not for long, with Mercury returning on 9th June to begin what are normally the most active months of any year on the income front. However, a day later everything will change, with Jupiter returning on 10th June to begin your biggest and luckiest year for income growth and expansion in over a decade. The most potentially lucrative weeks of the year will be when Venus moves through from 31st July to 26th August, with the planets of money and luck able to join forces.
There is a word of warning as you move into 2025, for while there could be some financial tension this is not a sign that this is going to be a challenging financial year and instead, the very opposite. It will also be short lived, though will return for a few days in April and again at various points during the middle months of the year. You had a taste of this last year, when Pluto was beginning to transition into your financial sector but wasn’t ready to commit. Pluto was here when the Sun, Venus and Mercury returned for their annual visit to your income sector and they all clashed when they returned. By the time Mars returned to your income sector in November Pluto had left and while he returned a few weeks later, by then Mars had cleared the early degrees, where you are going to experience any financial tension.
Pluto will be at the early degrees of your financial sector for most of the year and here now until 2044, any planet that returns to your income sector will almost immediately clash with the planet of change, transformation and rebellion, but then it will be quickly over as they move on. Pluto will be a bouncer at the doors, reminding you that while you are entering some lucrative months, he is watching that you are also balancing money coming in and money going out. With Pluto here for the next 20 years, this is the start of a major period of financial growth and for taking your financial power back. While this could create some financial tension in the early days of the year, it is because that while Mars managed to avoid a clash with Pluto when he returned to your income sector in November, this is something he won’t be able to avoid as he retrogrades back out again on 6th January.
This will leave your income sector empty until Mars returns on 18th April and this will give you time to focus on money matters, as is always the case in the early months of any year. Venus, the planet of money begins the year in your financial sector but will leave on 3rd January, with the Sun here from 20th January to 18th January, Mercury from 28th January to 15th February and the dwarf planet Ceres, who began her first deep dive into your financial sector in four years will be leave on 24th February. Apart from the Moon’s monthly visits, this will leave Pluto on his own for the rest of the year and the focus then shifting to the long game. This means that when Mars returns to your income sector on 18th April, apart from a bit of pushback from Pluto when he first returns, will kick off the most lucrative months of 2024, which will run through to when Venus leaves on 19th September.
When the lunar nodes return to your two money houses on 12th January their influence will be subtle but pronounced while only revealing the real impact when their presence will turn ordinary New and Full Moons into eclipses. The first will be a total lunar eclipse in your income sector on 14th March, at what is often the least lucrative point in any year and right in the heart of some of the most important and active months of the year on the other side of the financial fence. For the most part though, whether it is the North Node’s return to your financial sector or the South Node’s return to your income sector, until leaving in July 2026, they will work to create a balance between money coming in and money going out. This is something that this year might be more achievable than you think.
With Neptune, the planet of hopes and dreams in your financial sector since 2012 and Saturn, the hard taskmaster of the cosmos and the planet of personal responsibility since March 2023, there has been continuous planetary activity on this side of the financial fence, the side where it is more about what you do with and how you manage the money you have. Though very different planets, having Saturn and Neptune here at the same time is giving you the resolve to do whatever it takes for as long as it takes in order to turn financial dreams into reality. While both won’t leave for good until early 2026, they will begin transitioning out, with Neptune leaving on 31st March and Saturn on 25th May.
Until Saturn returns on 1st September, this will leave your financial sector empty for the first time in nearly 13 years and with Mars returning to your income sector on 17th June, it will be to find no pushback. This will be the first time since 2012 that a planet has been able to move through your income sector without having pushback and as the warrior planet of the cosmos, he will take advantage of this. While Mars is only here until 7th August, this will open the floodgates for the rest of the planets following in his wake, starting with the Sun’s return on 23rd August and ending with Venus’ departure on 14th October. These will be the most lucrative months of 2024, with the early and latter part the most lucrative. It is a few days later that Neptune will return to your financial sector on 22nd October to wrap things up before he and Saturn leave in early 2026.
While this financial year will not see an equal amount of focus on both sides of the financial fence, each side has more than enough to make this a good year for both income and money matters. While there is far less planetary activity on the income side of the financial fence, both in terms of the amount of moving through and the scale of that activity, rather than spread your resources, by knowing which will be the most lucrative months, you are able to channel all your resources into those times while using the rest of the year to focus on having the professional momentum to support this. Apart from a Full Moon in your income sector on 13th April, there will be no planetary activity in your income sector until Mars returns on 7th August. However, from then everything opens up and the most lucrative months of 2025 will extend right to when Venus, the planet of money moves through from 14th October to 7th November.
Venus will be the last planet to return and the last to leave and as the planet of money, desire and attraction, it will be her job to capitalise on the momentum and potential that has been building over the previous months. Meanwhile, moving through from 7th August to 22nd September, it will be Mars’ job to fire things up and get the ball rolling. While the second half of the year is going to be the most potentially lucrative, the other side of the financial fence will begin powering up in early February. Technically things never go off the boil on the financial front, the side of the financial fence where the focus is more on what you do with and how you manage the money you have for the dwarf planet Eris, the warrior princess of the cosmos has been here for over nine decades and will be for another three.
Eris is the sister planet to Pluto, so has a slow orbit and has been subtly stocking the fires of your financial passions and fighting spirit your whole life. However, things don’t really get active on the financial front until the faster planets come along and this year that will start with Venus’ return on 4th February. Here Venus will start what is set to become a pattern, for while she will leave on 27th March, it will be by retrograding back out, so will return for a do over from 1st May to 6th June. Mercury will do the same, moving through from 3rd March to 30th March, retrograding back out and then returning from 16th April to 16th May. Neptune, the planet of hopes and dreams will do the same when he returns for the first time in our lifetime on 31st March and Saturn, for the first time in three decades on 25th May. Neptune will retrograde back out on 22nd October and Saturn on 1st September, though with both returning again in early 2026.
You have a mixed bag of influences on both sides of the financial fence this year, with a mix of the expected and the unexpected and that includes on both fronts. In your financial sector, the side of the financial fence where it is more about what you do with and how you manage the money you have, moving into the New Year with Uranus, the planet of surprise, synchronicity and the unexpected in your financial sector is a given. Since his return in 2019, Uranus has been keeping money matters on their true path, bringing those sudden shifts and changes that like an autopilot on a plane is helping to keep things on a steady course. Uranus begins the year in retrograde motion, which is often the case and until turning direct on 31st January you are still reviewing the journey last year took you and money matters on.
Even then, things won’t really become active on the financial front until the Sun returns from 20th April to 21st May, the point in each year when the solar spotlight will always shift onto your financial situation and money matters. What follows is what you would expect at this time of year, with Mercury returning from 11th May to 26th May with the smart head for money needed to get your head in the game. This will leave Uranus back on his own but held back by a retrograde phase earlier in the year, with Venus yet to return. Venus will eventually return from 6th June to 5th July and the timing will prove critical. Venus isn’t interested in financial housekeeping and instead on what as the planet of money, desire and attraction in what she can attract. What makes the timing significant is that two days after she leaves so too with Uranus, with his departure on 7th July leaving it empty for the first time in five years.
Uranus will retrograde back in on 8th November, but only for a few months before leaving again in April 2026, not to return again for another eight decades. It is in that gap, from 7th July to 8th November that Mars, moving through your income sector from 22nd September to 5th November is going to fully exploit this. This will be the first time in five years that any planet has been able to move through without getting pushback from Uranus in your financial sector and from a need to also keep your focus on the other side of the financial fence. As the planet of passion and the warrior planet of the cosmos, Mars is the perfect planet to exploit this, creating what could not just be the most lucrative months of 2025 but in several years. This will give the rest of the planets, which won’t finish moving through until 12th December, a foothold.
While the balance of power is still on the side of the financial fence where it is more about your financial situation and money matters than on money coming in, this is set to be a massive year for taking your financial power back and enough activity on the income side of the financial fence to create some lucrative months. The year begins with Mercury still in your income sector, giving you the smart head for money needed to keep your head in the game and your feet on the ground before leaving on 8th January. This will leave your income sector empty, but this is more the tail end of the planetary activity from last year that has spilled into the early days of this year. These can be considered bonus days, at a time when you are moving into a year where the power is very much on the other side of the financial fence.
As you move into the New Year Jupiter, the planet of change and transformation is in your financial sector but in retrograde motion, making him a sleeping giant, ready to wake up when he turns direct on 4th February. Until then, at the halfway point in Jupiter’s 12 month quest for financial growth and expansion things are in review mode, with a chance to learn and gain as much as you can from the past as you can before the push home begins. That push to bring things to fruition will begin with Jupiter’s direct turn on 4th February and will continue until he leaves on 10th June. Helping to bring things home will be the Sun’s return from 21st May to 21st June and Mercury’s return from 26th May to 9th June, with a smart head for money kicking in and the solar spotlight shifting onto your financial situation and money matters during Jupiter’s final weeks.
The Sun’s departure on 21st June will leave your financial sector empty for the first time since April 2023, but not for long. It is 14 days later that held back by a retrograde phase Venus, the planet of money will finally return on 5th July while just two days later Uranus, the planet of surprise, synchronicity and the unexpected will return for his first visit to your financial sector in eight decades. This dwarfs everything until now, for apart from when he retrogrades back out from 8th November to 26th April, Uranus is here until 2033. Uranus will be here when the most lucrative months of the year kick off with Mercury’s return to your income sector on 30th October but will really take hold when Mars moves through from 4th November to 15th December and Venus from 1st December to 25th December.
What sets 2025 apart is that the tables have turned and the until now dominant income side of the financial fence is pulling back, allowing the other side to have its turn. That won’t be immediately apparent, for apart from beginning the year with no planetary activity in your financial sector, the Sun will always spend the first three weeks of January in your income sector, making it appear business as usual. When after 16 years Pluto, the planet of change and transformation left your income sector in November 2024, Venus and the dwarf planet Ceres were still there and it wasn’t until they left in early December that this left it empty. However, not for long, with the Sun always returning to put the solar spotlight on your income situation, matters and options just before Christmas each year.
It is not until the Sun leaves on 20th January and Mercury, who will move through from 8th January to 28th January that your income sector will be truly empty. Apart from the Moon’s return every four weeks, there will be no more planetary activity in your income sector until 15th December, the longest you have gone without planetary activity on the income side of the financial fence since 2007. However, after all that time you no longer need the trainer wheels on. Meanwhile, while as you would expect at this time of year, 2025 begins with no planetary activity in your financial sector, the side of the financial fence where it is more about your financial situation and money matters as a whole and especially when it comes to what you do with and how you manage the money you have, that won’t be the case for long.
On 6th January, two months after leaving your financial sector in November Mars, the planet of passion and the warrior planet of the cosmos will retrograde back for a double dip visit. Not turning direct until 24th February, this will be a chance to return to what he began last year but this time, without having to compete with Pluto in your income sector. As well as giving money matters a boost, this is a chance to prepare for even bigger developments ahead. Mars will leave on 18th April, but not before doing what he can to fire up your financial passions and fighting spirit in order to see you take your financial power back. This is preparation for Jupiter’s return on 10th June to begin your biggest year for financial growth and expansion in over a decade. Mercury’s return on 9th June and the Sun’s from 21st June to 21st July will help get the ball rolling, but the real magic will come when Venus returns from 31st July to 26th August, bringing the planets of money and luck together.
With both sides of the financial fence powering up and especially in the early months of the year there might be a need to buckle up, but this isn’t anything you haven’t already had a taste for. When Mars, the planet of passion and the warrior planet of the cosmos returned to your financial sector in September 2024 Pluto, the planet of change, transformation and rebellion had just left your income sector a few days earlier, so their paths didn’t cross. While Pluto did return in November and is in your income sector now until 2044, any planet in your financial sector is only going to clash in the very early degrees and at the time, Mars was clear of that. However, Mars is in retrograde motion and it is it is just before retrograding back out on 6th January that they will clash.
This will be the first time that the planets of war and revolution have ever been in your two money houses at the same time let alone move into opposition. This could see some financial tension in the early days of the year but this will quickly drop away when Mars leaves. With Venus, the planet of money, desire and attraction starting the year in your income sector but leaving on 3rd January, this will be coupled with a lot of motivation on both sides of the financial fence. Because Mars will be leaving your retrograding back out it means that once back in direct motion again, he will return and this will be for a complete do over from 18th April to 17th June. However, it is while Mars is gone that there will be a chance to put all your attention on the income side of the financial fence and onto getting Pluto’s first full year here off to an empowered start.
Venus will leave on 3rd January but the dwarf planet Ceres, who returned with her in December 2024 will continue her first deep dive into your income needs and priorities in four years until leaving on 24th February. This will leave Pluto on his own and apart from the Moon’s monthly visits, it will stay that way for the rest of the year. Pluto is playing a long game, giving you 20 years to work with the planet of change and transformation. Meanwhile, when Mars returns to fire things up on the financial front, he will once again clash with Pluto when he returns to your financial sector on 18th April. However, this time he will be in direct motion and at top speed, so any financial tension will be brief and is going to fire up your financial passions and fighting spirit. Mars is here until 17th June while between them the Sun, Mercury and finally Venus will keep things running on the financial front from 27th June to 19th September.
There is change in the air and especially on the income side of the financial fence, as the forces that have been dominating things for years now prepare to move on, bringing a major chapter to a close. However, this will be drawn out and even planets like Venus and Mercury, who will rush through in a matter of weeks without looking back, are going to move backwards and forward in a way that a major planet would. A slower outer planet will never return to an area of your chart for the first time in decades and then stay there for years. Instead, they take a few years to transition in, moving in, out and back again before settling in and then doing the same before leaving. This is what is happening this year with Neptune, who has been in your income sector since 2012 leaving on 31st March, but then retrograding back in on 22nd October, before leaving for good in January 2026.
Saturn, who returned to your income sector in March 2023 and who has been working with dreamy Neptune to give you the resolve to do whatever it takes for as long as it takes in order to turn dreams into reality, will leave on 25th May. Saturn will retrograde back in on 1st September but will leave again in February 2026 and while he will be back in another three decades, Neptune won’t be back again in our lifetime. This is the way a major or outer planet will transition out of an area of your chart, so things don’t suddenly cut off. Less common is for the faster planets to do that, but as if in a case of solidarity and to get to capitalise on both Saturn and Neptune’s influence, Venus and Mercury are doing just that. It begins with Venus’ return for what should be a 24 day visit to your income sector on 3rd January.
As the planet of money, desire and attraction, Venus can make these the most lucrative weeks of any year. Instead, while Venus will leave on 4th February, she will retrograde back in for a second time from 27th March to 1st May. While Venus is doing this Mercury, who will normally spend two weeks giving you the smart head for money needed to get your head in the game and to think on your feet, will move through from 15th February to 3rd March, before retrograding back in for a do over from 30th March to 16th April. In the middle of this the Sun will move through, putting the solar spotlight on your income situation, matters and options from 18th March to 20th March. On the other side of the financial fence things will be less active this year, though Mars will move through your financial sector from 17th June to 7th August, with a chance to take advantage of the gap in planetary activity on the income side of the financial fence to fire things up financially.
Because you have had the dwarf planet Eris, the warrior princess of the cosmos in your income sector for over nine decades and you have always had her resources to draw on when it comes to fighting for what you deserve, hers is a subtle long term influence. Rather than a planet that is going to get out in front and make things happen, this is more a tool that you have in your toolbelt should you need it. It is when the Sun and the other planets move through your income sector that you are going to have the most lucrative months of any year but with massive changes this year. The Sun will always return to your income sector on the March equinox and this is the point in each year when the solar spotlight will always shift onto your income situation and matters. As Venus and Mercury will also travel through at around this time each year, March and April are usually the most potentially lucrative months of any year.
After that, Eris will keep things on track but will always spend the majority of the second half of each year in retrograde motion. This is the pattern that each year normally takes, with the Sun returning to your financial sector on the September equinox to do the same on the other side of the financial fence, though with no planets to keep things going all year as you have with Eris in your income sector. That normal pattern will continue, though with some massive differences. The first of those differences is Venus, the planet of money’s early return to your income sector on 4th February, something that should kick off the most potentially lucrative 24 days of any year. Instead, Venus won’t leave until 27th March and even then, will return for a do over from 1st May to 6th June. Mercury, who will return on 3rd March for what is usually a two week visit will do the same, suggesting that there is something going on that makes them return and not want to leave.
Mercury is instead in your income sector from 3rd March to 30th March before retrograding back out, only to return for a do over from 16th April to 11th May. Something is going on here and that something is Neptune, the planet of hopes and dreams return to your income sector for the first time in our lifetime on 31st March and Saturn’s on 25th May for the first time in our lifetime. Neptune will retrograde back out on 22nd October and Saturn on 1st September, but they will both be back in early 2026, Neptune until 2039 and Saturn until 2028. Meanwhile, while the Sun won’t return to your financial sector until 23rd September, Mars will move through from 7th August to 22nd September, with time to get things moving and to fire up your financial passions and fighting spirit before the annual focus on money matters begins.