Forecasters is a New Zealand based company, formed in 2002 by
Anne Macnaughtan (Astrologer), to provide Horoscope Content to websites, media portals and individuals, as well as one-on-one guidance, to anyone, anywhere in the world.
We are professionals, passionate about our life mission, to provide wise, practical and insightful Astrological guidance – minus the ‘mumbo jumbo’. We provide practical solutions for an impractical world. We see nothing ‘New Age’ about what we do, instead calling on the wisdom and knowledge, drawn from the most ancient and archaic of sources – in the same way that man has done, since the very dawn of time. Astrology truly is the oldest profession!
Anne has worked as a professional Astrologer, writing Horoscope Content for the media, public and private clients since 1997 and currently provides Horoscope Content to companies in New Zealand, Australia, USA, Canada, the United Kingdom and around the world, to websites, newspapers and mobile phone portals. At the same time we provide wide and diverse genres of Horoscope Content, from Love-scopes to Business-scopes, Money-scopes to Fashion-scopes as well as general Daily, Weekly, Monthly and Yearly Horoscopes.
We may live in a global world, but we still like the personal approach. You’ll never receive an automated response and we love getting your emails, which we respond to personally. We pride ourselves in being the most accurate, authentic and approachable Astrology company on the globe, giving everyone access to their own personal Astrologer and astrological advice. We are passionate about what we do. We go out, into the future to find the right paths and then come back, to safely lead you through.
The answers are there - and we’re happy to provide them.
Anne Macnaughtan
Astrology was not a field I chose, it chose me. I had always been a student of human nature and interested in Astronomy and Mythology, but not that 'into' Astrology. When I was younger, Astrology seemed to present more questions than answers. Yet fate had a different agenda.
After bringing up my 4 children I was at a point in my life where I was looking for a new challenge and with Saturn in my 9th House (that of learning), I was hungry for knowledge and for a higher purpose. I was at a crossroads in terms of which career path to take, whether to take the path that would lead to a degree in Social Work or Psychology or to study journalism, turning a part time writing passion into a full time profession. Astrology wasn't even a consideration for a career path, as at the time it wasn't even an interest.
In 1997 I was looking for a part time job, that had enough flexibility to let me study while I began a journalism course and allowed me to continue a voluntary role that I had a real passion for, as a Victim Support worker. I answered an ad in a local paper, which mentioned nothing about Astrology. It turned out to be a powerful turning point in my life, for the job was with an Astrologer who completely changed my life path and brought everything that I had ever done, throughout my life to that point, onto it's natural path. It was because of the way that my true passion and purpose chose me, that has led me to believe that if you follow your heart and your passions and you listen to your instincts, that synchronicity can move mountains to make things happen. This meant that it was never about what career path I had to create and more about trusting that there was a path already mapped out and all I had to do was trust my own judgement and take it one step at a time.
I learned very quickly on the job, injecting my own take on things, especially my love of Mythology, Astronomy and human nature. In my role as a Victim Support worker I visited and helped counsel victims of crime and major life trauma, giving them the support and knowledge to empower themselves and when I began writing Horoscopes I realised that I could do the same thing, except for many more people, in all life situations. My Horoscope writing career began with the TVNZ Goodmorning Show and the Teletext Horoscopes here in New Zealand and over the years this has grown to include many media portals, newspaper and Internet sites in New Zealand, Australia and worldwide. There hasn't been a day since then, that I have not written about, commented on and had to understand, the cosmic trends at play and given advice on how to work with those conditions. As worn out a cliche as it might be, I really go believe that knowledge is power.
In 2002 I formed my own company (Forecasters) and the rest is history. The Horoscopes I write now go out all around the world and reach many thousands of people every single day. I consider myself both blessed and lucky to not only have found my passion, but to be able to share that passion with so many people. I am glad that you have found us and I hope that you find the inspiration, guidance and understanding you need to create a phenomenal life.